Welcome to Homer!

A quaint town nestled on the shore of Kachemak Bay offering breathtaking views of glaciers, mountains and wildlife. Homer is known to many as the 'Cosmic Hamlet by the Sea,' but it was made famous in Tom Bodett's tales as 'The End of the Road.'

Our community is alive with a variety of activities and accommodations. Whether it's fishing, kayaking, bear viewing, shopping, dining or sight seeing we have it all to make your Alaskan experience a trip of a lifetime!

Festivals & Events


  • A Ceremonial Eagle Feeding in memory of Jean Keen will be
    held at her home on the Homer Spit at 3:00 pm Saturday,
    January 24, 2009. Memorial Service and Reception to follow
    at 3:30 pm in the Quarter Deck at Land's End Resort in Homer.
  • Chamber Meetings
  • Ballots for Homer's Community Awards Program will be
    available by no later than Friday, January 9th. Ballots can
    be picked up at the Chamber office, Wells Fargo Bank,
    First National Bank Alaska,Alaska USA Federal Credit
    Union, Spenard Builders Learn more
  • 2009 Homer Winter Carnival is scheduled for
    February 6, 7 and 8, 2009 and will be celebrating the
    50th Anniversary of Alaska's statehood. Learn More
  • Deadline for Homer Jackpot Halibut Derby Sponsorship is March 1.
    Contact Paula at 235-7740 Ext 28 or e-mail at
    halibutderby@homeralaska.org for more information.
  • Now you can complete your
    membership application and payment online!
  • 2nd Edition of the Kachemak Kitchens Cookbook
    is now available. Celebrating the Homer Chamber of Commerce's
    60th Anniversary with the 2nd edition of the Kachemak Kitchens
    cookbook. New recipes from local chefs and former chamber
    directors. Historical photos. Copies can be purchased on line, at
    the Visitor Center, Homer Bookstore, Main Street Mercantile,
    Coal Point Trading, Homer Harbor Office, Kachemak Gear Shed,
    Central Charters, Homer Ocean Charters, Heritage RV,
    Pratt Museum store, Safeway, Save-U-More and many other
    local businesses.
  • 2009 Boat Owners Guide and Web-site -
    Marine Trades Committee of the Homer Chamber of
    Commerce is beginning work on this booklet and on the web
    site www.homermarinetrades.com. Promote your business to
    local boat owners and many other state-wide boats that come
    to Homer by completing the guide information form and returning
    it to the Homer Chamber of Commerce. General information and
    Guide Information Form are available on the web, from the
    Chamber 235-7740 or from Kate Mitchell at NOMAR  235-8363.
    Deadline for submission of the forms is November 17, with the revised
    guide released after the first of the year.
  • Find out the latest information on state highway conditions

Visitor's Guide

Visitor Information Center

201 Sterling Highway
Homer, Alaska, 99603

Phone: 907-235-7740
Fax: 907-235-8766
Email: info@homeralaska.org

Directions from Anchorage.
Local map.