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Civil & Human Rights

The Challenge

"Each of you here today should be proud of our state's long tradition of sharing common values. We have led
Sen. Murray attends a hearing on appropiate discipline policies for students with disabilities
Senator Murray attends a hearing on appropriate discipline policies for students with disabilities.
the way in promoting tolerance, civil rights, human rights, and respect for others. We look out for one another, especially in times of need.

The struggle continues today.

For Dr. King, the challenge came from within our borders. Today, our challenges come from within and abroad.

Many of us face uncertainty, with our jobs, our health care, our old sense of security.

Some may try to seize on uncertainty to sow the seeds of division to tear us apart.

Just as in Dr. King's day, we must not let fear undermine the values, which we hold dear our love of freedom, our commitment to equal justice, our tolerance for one another.

We are united in our struggle - in Dr. King's struggle.

And we are here today to proclaim: We shall overcome. "

- Senator Patty Murray, 1/20/03


Recent News Releases

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