Today's date is: January 29, 2009
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Filing Unfair Labor Practices

Who May File

A GAO employee, labor organization of the GAO, or GAO may file a charge alleging commission of an unfair labor practice (ULP).

When to File

In accordance with 4 C.F.R. §28.121(c), a ULP charge must first be filed directly with the party against whom the ULP charge is alleged within six months of the occurrence of the alleged unfair labor practice (except, the charging party may go directly to the Board in cases dealing with picketing that interferes with GAO's operations, a strike, work stoppage, or slowdown, or if the charged party condoned such activities.  See GAO Order 5711.1, Paragraph 12(b)(8) and (9) Labor-Management Relations (April 27, 2001)). 

If the charge has not been resolved within 30 days of its submission to the charged party, or if it is alleged that a labor organization has engaged in picketing that interferes with GAO's operations, a strike, work stoppage, or a slowdown, the charging party may file a charge with the PAB/OGC.  Further, the unfair labor practice charge must be filed with PAB/OGC within nine (9) months of the alleged unfair labor practice.

How to File

A charge may be filed in person at:

PAB Office of General Counsel
Suite 580, Union Center Plaza II
820 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002

A charge may be filed by mail addressed to:

PAB Office of General Counsel
Suite 580, Union Center Plaza II
U.S. Government Accountability Office
441 G Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20548

The charging party shall also serve a copy of the charge on the charged party.

What to File

Persons wishing to file a ULP must file a written charge with PAB/OGC.  A charge may be submitted in any written form (letter, memorandum, etc.).  However, we strongly encourage use of the PAB Office of General Counsel Charge Form. You may obtain this form by clicking on the link or by calling (202) 512-7507.