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The Challenge

Washington residents take great pride in the natural beauty of our
Sen. Murray and Cheryl Sonnen, from the Asotin Conservation District
Murray and Cheryl Sonnen, from the Asotin Conservation District, review activities and improvements in salmon and steelhead habitats in the Asotin Creek Model Watershed. More Photos
state. Senator Murray has joined with local leaders to protect Washington’s environment.

Murray believes that environmental protection and healthy natural resources are compatible with long-term economic growth.

Senator Murray has worked to bring stakeholders together, to fund environmental protection and resource management, and to promote innovative, locally-based solutions.

In the U.S. Senate, Murray has worked to increase funding for environmental programs, she has repeatedly opposed harmful, anti-environmental riders to appropriations bills, and she has sponsored several pieces of environmental legislation.


Recent News Releases

Murray, Boxer, DeGette, Slaughter Lead Letter to Obama Asking New Administration to Rescind Bush HHS Rule

Senator Murray's Statement on Washington State Priorities in the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009

Murray Hails Nomination of Chu to Lead America's Energy Future, Discusses Responsibility to Cleanup Past Energy Projects

Murray, Hastings Call on Washington State and Federal Agencies to Come Back to the Table on Hanford Cleanup

Senator Murray Helps Launch Investigation into Compensation Program for Ill Hanford Workers
