In the News

3/05/08: Senator Dodd: "Trade Can Help Cuba Move Toward Democracy"

March 5, 2008

On Wednesday, the Miami Herald published the following op-ed by Senator Chris Dodd on the situation in Cuba. Senator Dodd is a senior member of the Foreign Relations Committee and chairman of the subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

"If it were up to me, I would lift the embargo against Cuba the next day, and it would end your regime in three months,: José María Aznar, the former Spanish prime minister, reported saying in a 1998 meeting with Fidel Castro.

3/05/08: Letter to the Editor: Family Leave Legislation

March 5, 2008

On Wednesday, the New York Times published the following Letter to the Editor from Senator Dodd on family leave legislation. Senator Dodd is a member of the health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, and author of the Family Medical Leave Act.

To the Editor:

Re “Catching Up on Family Values” (editorial, Feb. 26):

3/03/08: Senator Dodd: "As the Nation Crumbles"

March 3, 2008

On Sunday, the New York Times published the following op-ed by Senator Chris Dodd on our nation's crumbling infrastructure, Senator Dodd is the Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.

THE most pressing problems can sometimes be the dullest — until they force their way into our attention in an instant.

2/21/08: Delaware News Journal - Editorial - 'Mandatory' volunteerism? Is it time yet?

February 21, 2008

Along with an end to the botched Iraq war, and a sustainable economic rescue, the idea that Americans at some point in their lives must do a volunteer stint to improve the country is worth pursuing.


Like Michelle Obama there have been many, many times when Americans of all political persuasions haven't been proud of their country's actions.

( published in: In the News )

2/19/08: Hartford Courant – Jesse Hamilton - Back On the Tracks

February 19, 2008

Sen. Chris Dodd, back in his daily work routine of representing Connecticut, finds it as difficult a job as running for president, and certainly more rewarding.


He lifts a gavel in the massive room. Three men face him from a witness table, a trio of U.S. officials — the heads of the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of the Treasury — whose words move the financial markets of the world. And they wait for the man from Connecticut to lower his gavel and say something.

( published in: In the News )

2/14/08: Hartford Courant – Jesse Hamilton - Dodd Backs Paid Leave

Proposes Expansion of Benefits for Parents, Caretakers

February 14, 2008

Sen. Chris Dodd is using the 15th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act this month as an opportunity to push for expanded leave benefits, including the establishment of paid leave for parents of newborns or newly adopted children and for people caring for seriously ill family members.

( published in: In the News )

2/07/08: Connecticut Post – Peter Urban - Dodd meets with Federal Reserve chairman

February 7, 2008

WASHINGTON - Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd met privately with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke today to reaffirm his commitment to easing the nation's mortgage crisis. "I'm impressed with the chairman. I think he's been doing the right thing on monetary policy," Dodd said after the meeting in his Capitol Hill office.

( published in: In the News )

2/06/08: Southtown Star - Allison Hantschel - Democrats need to step up fight against illegal wiretapping

February 6, 2008

There are many aspects of the Bush administration's actions in the past eight years by which George Orwell would be impressed, but none perhaps so much so as the Protect America Act.

It's called the Protect America Act so that anyone who votes against it is voting against the Protect America Act, and don't think for one minute that's not why it's called that. Why else would you be so discourteous to your native tongue?

( published in: In the News )

2/05/08: New London Day – Jennifer Grogan - Budget Bodes Well For Hike In Sub Production

February 5, 2008

If President Bush's proposed defense budget passes, the date for an increase in submarine production will be moved up by a year and millions of dollars will flow to the Naval Submarine Base in Groton and Connecticut Army National Guard.


On Monday, the president sent his fiscal 2009 budget to Congress, making public what had only been rumor — that the Department of Defense was willing to step up submarine production in 2011 instead of 2012, as the Navy had originally planned.

( published in: In the News )

2/05/08: Connecticut Post – Peter Urban - Bush plan gives billions to Sikorsky

February 5, 2008

WASHINGTON — President Bush sent Congress a $3.1 trillion spending proposal for the next fiscal year that would boost military spending and extend expiring tax cuts at the expense of social programs.

"Two key principles guided the development of my budget — keeping America safe and ensuring our continued prosperity," Bush said in his budget message to Congress. "As commander in chief, my highest priority is the security of the American people."

( published in: In the News )

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