Applicant Information


Competition Closed on March 24, 2008

Current Application

Other Required Forms

Federal Register Notices

Tips and Assistance

Below is historical question and answer transcripts from the PEP Technical Assistance calls:

  1. Call Date - 2/22/08
    Teleconference Q&A Transcript
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (165K) | PDF (220K)

  2. Call Date - 2/28/08
    Teleconference Transcript:
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (159K) | PDF (214K)

  3. Call Date - 3/4/08
    Teleconference Transcript:
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (152K) | PDF (190K)

Frequently Asked Questions Download files PDF (92K) | MS Word (74K)

Sample Budget Download files PDF (34K) | Word (25K)

Grant Application Technical Assistance Resources


Carlette Huntley
U.S. Department of Education
550 12th Street, S.W., Rm 10071/PCP
Washington, DC 20202-6450
Telephone: (202) 245-7871
E-mail address:

Last Modified: 09/24/2008