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(June 5, 2008) Lipinski Helps Move Education and Competitiveness Bills through House PDF  | Print |

Lipinski Helps Move Education and Competitiveness Bills through House


WASHINGTON - Today, House Science and Technology Committee Vice Chairman Dan Lipinski (IL-3) helped pass two bills to improve America's competitive and innovative edge in the world.  The bills, which prioritize science, mathematics, and technology (STEM) education, and reauthorize the National Nanotechnology Initiative, are two additional steps that Congress is taking this year to assist Americans in confronting the increasingly competitive global economy.


"With the passage of these bills we are stepping up our support of American students, teachers, researchers, scientists, and engineers, all of whom will ensure that we remain at the forefront of innovation and keep our nation secure and prosperous," stated Lipinski.  "The STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields are vital to America's economic competitiveness, and today we are making them a national priority.  By educating a broad pool of citizens in these critically important fields, we are ensuring a brighter future for the next generation of Americans."


H.Con.Res. 366 will assist the United States in dedicating its resources to the STEM fields and promoting science education policy by making it a national priority to increase American capabilities in science, mathematics, and technology education.  H.R. 5940 reauthorizes the National Nanotechnology Initiative that promotes world-class research and development (R&D) in the cutting-edge field of nanotechnology.  The bill will increase support for nanotechnology R&D that could potentially create thousands of new jobs and lead to major breakthroughs in fields as diverse as energy, healthcare, and defense.


"America's economic success has long been spurred by our world leadership in innovation and technology, but this leadership is being challenged and we must respond," said Lipinski.  "These bills will help bring about a brighter tomorrow by investing more in education and in R&D.  I believe that nanotechnology is one of the most important technological keys to America's economic future and to advancements that will revolutionize our way of life."


Last year Rep. Lipinski had a seat on the Conference Committee that worked quickly to pass H.R. 2272, the America Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education and Science (COMPETES) Act.  This groundbreaking legislation, led by Members of the Science and Technology Committee, included a package of competitiveness bills in response to recommendations in the 2005 National Academies report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm.


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