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(March 6, 2008) Lipinski Honored for Efforts to Grant Citizenship to Casimir Pulaski PDF  | Print |





Lipinski Honored for Efforts to Grant Citizenship to Casimir Pulaski  


[Washington, D.C.]  Today, Congressman Dan Lipinski was honored by the National Polish Center and the Veterans of Foreign Wars for his efforts to secure citizenship for Casimir Pulaski.  Pulaski, a soldier of Polish descent, was an American Revolutionary War hero who died fighting for U.S. independence during the Siege of Savannah.  Congressman Lipinski delivered remarks on Pulaski during a reception held in the soldier’s honor.


“Casimir Pulaski was a remarkable soldier, a trusted friend of George Washington, and the founder of the American cavalry,” said Rep. Lipinski.  “This great man made the ultimate sacrifice in the fight for our independence and deserves to be a citizen of the country he fought so hard to see born.  I am proud to help lead the effort to grant citizenship to Casimir Pulaski and I am hopeful that Congress will soon take action on this important initiative.”


Already an accomplished soldier from years of campaigns against Russia, Pulaski arrived in the U.S. colonies in 1777 eager to join the Americans in their fight against the British forces.  After bravely serving on George Washington’s staff during the Battle of Brandywine, Pulaski was made a Brigadier General and commander of the entire American cavalry.  Sadly, Pulaski died in 1779 while heroically fighting to free Savannah from British occupation and didn’t live to see his dream of American independence realized.


In each of his two terms in Congress, Congressman Lipinski has helped introduce legislation that would grant Pulaski citizenship posthumously.  And this week, Congressman Lipinski joined with Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) in authoring a letter to the House Judiciary Committee urging that Committee to promptly consider the Pulaski legislation.  Only after the Judiciary Committee clears the Pulaski legislation can it be considered by the full House of Representatives.


“Casimir Pulaski’s bravery and military skill have left a lasting impression on our country that can still be seen in the organization of our fighting forces and the numerous counties, cities and streets across the country that are named in his honor,” said Rep. Lipinski.  “Now, we must take the step to ensure that Pulaski is remembered not just as a great war hero, but as a great American war hero.” 

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