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(February 13, 2008) Lipinski Announces $600,000 Federal Grant to Oak Lawn Fire Department PDF  | Print |


Lipinski Announces $600,000 Federal Grant to Oak Lawn Fire Department


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] Today, Congressman Lipinski announced that the Oak Lawn Fire Department will be awarded $600,000 through the Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program (AFG).  This grants program provides needed federal funds to fire departments and emergency medical service organizations in order to improve the response capabilities of our nation’s first responders and the safety of our communities.  The Oak Lawn Fire Department is going to use this $600,000 grant to purchase a new emergency vehicle that will enhance safety in the village.


“The first responders of our communities perform a difficult and dangerous job, regularly putting their lives on the line for the safety of others,” said Rep. Lipinski.  “I strongly believe it is my responsibility to support the important mission of local first responders by securing necessary federal funds.  For this reason I met two weeks ago with the U.S. Fire Administration’s Assistant Administrator Gregory Cade to discuss Oak Lawns’ request.  I am very happy that today this request has been filled.  This vehicle will allow the first responders of Oak Lawn to further serve the local community, and in doing so, improve the safety and quality of life of local residents.”


Since entering Congress in 2005, Congressman Dan Lipinski has brought back over $3.2 million in federal funding for first responders in the Third Congressional District of Illinois. 

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