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(February 7, 2008) Lipinski Helps Pass Tax Rebate for Middle Class Families, Seniors, and Veterans PDF  | Print |




Lipinski Helps Pass Tax Rebate for Middle Class Families, Seniors, and Veterans


Lipinski Praises Expansion of Bill to Seniors and Disabled Veterans  


[Washington D.C.] Today, Congressman Dan Lipinski helped pass an economic stimulus package focused on helping middle class Americans in order to provide a needed short term boost to the U.S. economy.  The bill will inject $159 billion into the economy with most of that money going to middle class Americans in the form of tax rebates. The House of Representatives originally passed this legislation on January 29th, but the bill passed today extends the tax rebate to include seniors and disabled veterans.  


“I am proud that Congress and the President were able to quickly come together to pass an economic stimulus package that will benefit middle class Americans,” said Rep. Lipinski.  “And I am especially pleased that the stimulus package will also ensure that seniors and disabled veterans also receive timely economic assistance.  This agreement proves what I have long stated – Congress can achieve the greatest results by putting partisan differences aside and working together.”  


In addition to supporting this short-term economic stimulus package, Rep. Lipinski called on his colleagues in Congress to also take action to strengthen and grow the economy in the medium and long term.  In particular, Rep. Lipinski pushed for greater investments in U.S. infrastructure as a way of creating jobs while providing for necessary repairs and construction.  Every $1 billion invested in American infrastructure creates and supports 47,500 American jobs.   


And in January, Rep. Lipinski joined Rep. Don Manzullo (R-IL) in introducing H.R. 5101, legislation that would provide a tax deduction for U.S. manufacturers, ensuring that they are able to stay globally competitive without shipping American jobs overseas.  Manufacturing is the largest contributor to the Illinois economy, and according to the Alliance for American Manufacturing, Illinois has lost nearly 200,000 manufacturing jobs since 2000.     


“This tax rebate is a good short term help for middle class Americans, but much more needs to be done,” said Lipinski.  “We must continue to work on easing the middle class squeeze by protecting and growing good American jobs and improving the affordability of health care, education, and transportation.” 


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