January 16, 2009

Florida Sunshine Delivered to Chilly Washington


U.S. Senators Mel Martinez (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) today made good on the final portion of their 2008 World Series wager with Pennsylvania Senators Arlen Specter (R-PA) and Robert Casey (D-PA). The Florida senators delivered bags of citrus to the Pennsylvania senators.

"Thanks to some very generous Florida citrus growers and Florida Citrus Mutual, my colleagues can enjoy the sweet, world-renowned fruit grown in the Sunshine State," said Martinez. "In these times of change, it's good for my colleagues to know Florida citrus remains the tastiest, consistent economic engine in our great state."

Florida citrus production generates an estimated $9 billion annually, accounting for more than 76,000 jobs. Citrus is grown on over 575,000 acres in the Sunshine State.

Due to the outcome of the 2008 World Series contest between the Tampa Bay Rays and the Philadelphia Phillies, the Florida senators had previously delivered Cuban pastries, Ted Peters Famous Smoked Fish, and copies of the Columbia Restaurant Spanish Cookbook to Pennsylvania's senators.

The temperature in Washington, DC when the citrus was delivered was a balmy 17 degrees Fahrenheit.
