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Charleston Makes International News
Posted by Ashley Holbrook 01/13/2009 - 04:04:15 PM
charleston port

The Charleston Metro area has a great history of bouncing back. They have long received national kudos for their response to Hurricane Hugo in 1989 and the Navy Base closure in 1996. The Gulf Coast Business Council has been studying the area as a model while they recover from their own natural disaster. This month, the international publication The Economist highlighted the Lowcountry’s resiliency. With the nation’s largest concentration of industrial engineers after only Michigan, an increase of 52 percent in IT workers since 2000, and a beautiful natural landscape, there is no question that Charleston is one of best places in the world to do business. Excerpts from the article are below and click here to view the article in its entirety.

A turn in the South
A blue-collar military town transforms itself into a white-collar security cluster

UNTIL the government closed it in 1996, the navy base in Charleston was the region’s economic engine. The navy was Charleston’s largest employer, directly providing work for more than 22,000 people. But after a decade of decay, some 340 acres (140 hectares) of the site is now part of a 3,000-acre redevelopment plan in North Charleston called Noisette, billed as “a city within a city” and costing $3 billion over 20 years. The redeveloped navy shipyard has already attracted a number of green businesses. Clemson University’s research campus has also moved there.

Partly as a result, the region’s economy is healthier and more diversified than it was a decade ago. Job growth for the Charleston region was 16.5% between 2000 and 2007; nationally, it was less than half that. Charleston’s growth in GDP, wages and bank deposits all outpace national averages. Household income has increased by 30% since 2000. In July Inc, a magazine for entrepreneurs, described it as among the best cities for doing business.

The armed forces still have an impact, generating $3.5 billion a year. Charleston is still home to an air force base, a training school for nuclear-power engineers, a naval weapons station, a Coast Guard training centre and Project SeaHawk, a model multi-agency anti-terrorism programme. Convoys of “mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles” (MRAPs) drive along conspicuously in South Carolina’s picturesque Lowcountry. They are heading for Charleston’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Centre Atlantic (SPAWAR), where they are outfitted with communications, command and control equipment and prepared for shipment to Iraq and Afghanistan. SPAWAR is the navy’s engineering and research arm.

The heavily armoured vehicles offer better protection against improvised explosive devices than Humvees do. Since their use has increased, troop deaths from roadside devices are said to have fallen by about 90%. MRAPS are mostly built by manufacturers based in Charleston, such as Force Protection, with much of the technology developed by local companies like SCRA and Science Applications International Corporation. Some 80% of SPAWAR’s projects involve partnerships with private business, according to Philipp Charles, the centre’s technical director.

All these defence and security companies are attracting highly skilled workers. In September the Milken Institute declared the Charleston metro area, which includes North Charleston and Summerville, to be among the leading ten cities for job creation. Between 2000 and 2007 the number of people working in IT grew by 52% in the Charleston region; nationally, it went up by only 9%. The numbers of scientists, architects and engineers grew by 52%, while dropping 3% nationally. South Carolina has the second-highest concentration of industrial engineers in the country, after Michigan. Manufacturing is growing in Charleston, as factories expand and new ones open, even as it seems to be dying a public death in the rest of the country.

As a result, the area’s population has grown 10% to 603,000 since 2000 and is forecast to grow to 624,000 by 2010. And to top it all, National Geographic recently ranked Charleston as being among the 50 best places to live.

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Regional Director
Ashley Holbrook
112 Custom House
200 East Bay St
Charleston, SC 29401
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P: 843-727-4525
F: 843-722-4923
About the Regional Director
Ashley Holbrook recently returned to her hometown of Charleston after spending five years in Washington, D.C. She previously worked in the White House and on the confirmation team for Chief Justice John Roberts. Ashley is a graduate of the University of Georgia. Go Dawgs!
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