Title 14--Aeronautics and Space

(This index contains parts 140 to 199)


140 [Reserved]
141 Pilot schools
142 Training centers
143 [Reserved]
145 Repair stations
147 Aviation maintenance technician schools
150 Airport noise compatibility planning
151 Federal aid to airports
152 Airport aid program
155 Release of airport property from surplus property disposal restrictions
156 State block grant pilot program
157 Notice of construction, alteration, activation, and deactivation of airports
158 Passenger facility charges (PFC's)
161 Notice and approval of airport noise and access restrictions
169 Expenditure of Federal funds for nonmilitary airports or air navigation facilities thereon
170 Establishment and discontinuance criteria for air traffic control services and navigational facilities
171 Non-Federal navigation facilities
183 Representatives of the Administrator
185 Testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings, and service of legal process and pleadings
187 Fees
189 Use of Federal Aviation Administration communications system
193 Protection of voluntarily submitted information
198 Aviation insurance

