United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
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Roll Call Votes on Thursday, January 22, 2009

  • Vote: On Passage of the Bill S. 181

    Summary: S. 181; Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
    Yeas: 61
    Nays: 36
    Not Voting: 1
    Result: Passed
    Full Details: 111th Congress, 1st Session, vote #00014
  • Vote: On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 37 to S. 181

    Summary: Motion to Table Isakson Amdt. No. 37; To limit the application of the Act to claims resulting from discriminatory compensation decisions that are adopted on or after the date of enactment of the Act.
    Yeas: 59
    Nays: 38
    Not Voting: 1
    Result: Agreed to
    Full Details: 111th Congress, 1st Session, vote #00012
  • Vote: On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 34 to S. 181

    Summary: Motion to Table Vitter Amdt. No. 34; To preserve open competition and Federal Government neutrality towards the labor relations of Federal Government contractors on Federal and federally funded construction projects.
    Yeas: 59
    Nays: 38
    Not Voting: 1
    Result: Agreed to
    Full Details: 111th Congress, 1st Session, vote #00013
  • Vote: On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 31 to S. 181

    Summary: Motion to Table DeMint Amdt. No. 31; To preserve and protect the free choice of individual employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to refrain from such activities.
    Yeas: 66
    Nays: 31
    Not Voting: 1
    Result: Agreed to
    Full Details: 111th Congress, 1st Session, vote #00011
  • Vote: On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 27 to S. 181

    Summary: Motion to Table Specter Amdt. No. 27; To limit the application of the bill to discriminatory compensation decisions.
    Yeas: 55
    Nays: 39
    Not Voting: 3
    Result: Agreed to
    Full Details: 111th Congress, 1st Session, vote #00009
  • Vote: On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 28 to S. 181

    Summary: Motion to Table Enzi Amdt. No. 28; To clarify standing.
    Yeas: 55
    Nays: 41
    Not Voting: 1
    Result: Agreed to
    Full Details: 111th Congress, 1st Session, vote #00010
  • Vote: On the Motion to Table S.Amdt. 26 to S. 181

    Summary: Motion to Table Specter Amdt. No. 26; To provide a rule of construction.
    Yeas: 53
    Nays: 43
    Not Voting: 1
    Result: Agreed to
    Full Details: 111th Congress, 1st Session, vote #00008
  • Vote: On the Amendment S.Amdt. 25 to S. 181

    Summary: Hutchison Amendment No. 25; In the nature of a substitute.
    Yeas: 40
    Nays: 55
    Not Voting: 2
    Result: Rejected
    Full Details: 111th Congress, 1st Session, vote #00007
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