Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - Florida 8th District  
  capitol dome  
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color photo of Rep. Ros-Lehtinen  
  For Immediate Release: November 16, 2005

(Washington, DC) -- Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen cosponsored legislation that was introduced last night that seeks to help South Florida's fishermen and agricultural growers who have been battered by this season?s hurricanes. This bill would provide federal relief for the many in the South Florida agriculture community affected by the four hurricanes in the State of Florida. The legislation will help nurseries, tropical fruit producers, commercial fishermen and lobstermen and many other producers who have felt the crippling effects of the storms this year. The Bill is H.R. 4330.

Said Ros-Lehtinen, "South Florida agriculture and fisheries have been hit hard this year by hurricanes. The South Florida delegation joined forces in a bipartisan manner in drafting this bill to assist our farmers and fishermen get back on the path to recovery. This legislation is designed to help the agriculture and fishing industries that are such vital contributors to our local economies."

Included in the bill are provisions for commercial fishermen and the related businesses in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama; the Department of Commerce will provide $60 million for fisheries disaster assistance. Also this bill will help our nurseries and tropical fruit growers by providing those in disaster counties with an avenue of emergency financial assistance through the Credit Commodity Corporation within the Department of Agriculture. 

"I am so very proud to be involved in assisting the farmers, fishermen, nurseries, tropical fruit producers, and other areas of the agricultural sector in their efforts to recover from a devastating hurricane season" Ros-Lehtinen said.


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