Russ Feingold

Feingold Discusses U.S. Policy Toward Iraq At Local Listening Sessions

October 5, 2002

South Branch, WI - U.S. Senator Russ Feingold today discussed U.S. Policy toward Iraq at his Listening Sessions. Feingold has been a strong voice in the need for Congressional approval before sending American troops into Iraq. He believes that the Administration has not yet made the case to send Americans to war.

"In Listening Sessions like this one today, I have been listening extensively to my fellow Wisconsinites' views on Iraq," Feingold said. "I have attended numerous briefings and read countless reports from a variety of sources. I have listened carefully to the Administration. I have read, quite closely, the proposed resolution authorizing the use of force that the Administration sent to Congress last month. And I have studied the resolution unveiled this week by the President and the House leadership. After all of this I remain extremely troubled by the Administration's shifting justifications for going to war in Iraq. I think it is reasonable to demand a policy that makes sense."

Between August 1st and September 26th, 2002, Feingold received 4,861 letters, phone calls and e-mails against going to war with Iraq. He also received 81 letters, phone calls and e-mails for going to war with Iraq.

"The Administration must clarify the mission, must tell us its plans regarding Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and must advise Congress and the American people of the commitment that the U.S. is prepared to make in a post-invasion Iraq," Feingold said. "Until that happens, Congress cannot responsibly provide the President authority to send American men and women to war in Iraq."

Feingold held his 63rd Listening Session of 2002, and his 711th since he was first elected at the South Branch Community Center, starting at 10:15 a.m. He held his 64th Listening Session of 2002, and his 712th since he was first elected at the Village Community Hall in Cecil, starting at 12:45 p.m. This is Feingold's tenth year of holding Listening Sessions in every county.

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