Note: All hearings are webcast live on our website.

January 2009 HEARINGS    « December 2008     February 2009 »   Full List  
Jan 8 at 09:30 AM Full Committee Hearing: to receive testimony on current energy security challenges (Hearing Room SD-366)
The purpose of this hearing is to receive testimony on current energy security challenges.
[View Archived Webcast]

Jan 13 at 10:00 AM Full Committee Hearing: to consider the nomination of Steven Chu to be Secretary of Energy (ROOM CHANGED TO SD-106)
The purpose of this hearing is to consider the nomination of Steven Chu to be Secretary of Energy. This hearing will be webcast.
[View Archived Webcast]

Jan 15 at 09:30 AM Full Committee Hearing: to consider the nomination of Ken Salazar to be Secretary of the Interior (ROOM CHANGED TO SD-G50)
The purpose of this hearing is to consider the nomination of Ken Salazar to be Secretary of the Interior. This hearing will be webcast.
[View Archived Webcast]