Russ Feingold: Press Release

Senator Also Cautions Against Mega-Mergers in Agriculture Industry

Mondovi, WI -- U.S. Senator Russ Feingold today emphasized his support for legislation to allow pharmacies that serve Medicare beneficiaries to purchase prescription drugs at the low prices available to the federal government, hospital chains and managed care entities. He also addressed the growing problem of market concentration in the agriculture industry.

"The absence of prescription drug coverage in Medicare means staggering out-of-pocket expenses for Wisconsin seniors," said Feingold. "I regularly get calls to my office from seniors on fixed incomes who have to choose between buying the medication they need and putting food on their table. This is a unacceptable situation, and I am committed to changing it."

Last week Feingold joined five other senators as an original cosponsor of The Prescription Drug Fairness for Seniors Act of 1999, introduced by Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts. Nationally, prescription drugs are the largest source of out-of-pocket costs for health services.

Feingold also addressed the growing number of mergers in the agriculture industry, which in many cases have put commodity pricing decisions in the hands of a select few company CEOs. Feingold has asked the Department of Justice to carefully examine all the mergers or acquisitions currently being proposed, and has invited the head of the Justice Department's Antitrust Division to come to Wisconsin on an upcoming trip to the Midwest to learn more about the effects of market concentration on Wisconsin's agriculture industry.

"I'm very concerned about merger-mania in an industry that plays such a critical role in the livelihood of Wisconsin's families and in the strength of our economy," Feingold said. "Our economic system is based on the idea that competition produces innovation and keeps prices down for consumers. Without competition, farmers and consumers can't get a fair shake."

Feingold's 15th Listening Session of 1999, and the 447th since he was first elected in 1992, was held at the Roger Martin Senior Center, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Feingold's 16th Listening Session of his term, and 448th since he was first elected, took place at the Durand High School beginning at 3:30 p.m. Feingold has renewed his pledge to hold Listening Sessions in each of Wisconsin's 72 counties every year, after keeping his promise to do so during his first term.

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