Russ Feingold


Senator Has Held 936 Listening Sessions Since 1993


Grant County, WI – U.S. Senator Russ Feingold today will complete his 13th year of Listening Sessions, keeping his promise to hold these open meetings in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties every year. Logging approximately 130,000 miles in Wisconsin, or the equivalent of five times around the world, Feingold has traveled to virtually every corner of the state to listen to Wisconsinites’ questions and respond to their concerns.

“Listening to the people of Wisconsin is one of the most enjoyable parts of my job, and a duty I take very seriously,” Feingold said. “Over the last 13 years, it has been an honor and pleasure to have these open conversations with Wisconsinites across our state. I deeply appreciate the effort people make to attend these meetings and let their voice be heard. I look forward to starting year number 14 in January.”

In 2005, over 3,664 individuals have attended Feingold’s Listening Sessions throughout Wisconsin. Feingold met with as many as 405 people in Wales on April 18 in Waukesha County, and as few as nine people at Cochrane Village Hall in Buffalo County on October 9. Over the past 13 years, Listening Sessions have brought Feingold face to face with over 43,897 Wisconsinites to discuss their concerns and listen to their views. This is equivalent to listening to more than every person in Marinette County (estimated total population 43,364) or listening to more than everyone in the city of Fond du Lac (population 42,095).

Top Issues: What’s on Wisconsin’s Mind.

Below are the top ten issues raised by Wisconsinites at Feingold’s Listening Sessions in 2005*:

1) 296 – Foreign affairs, including Iraq, national security, and military issues.

2) 269 – Health care issues, including Medicare, prescription drugs, etc.

3) 195 – Social Security.

4) 125 – Energy and utility issues, including gas prices.

5) 99 – Environment, including drilling in Alaska.

6) 88 – Judicial issues.

7) 86 – Education, including the No Child Left Behind Act and Head Start.

8) 73 – The Patriot Act, civil liberties, and homeland security.

9) 60 – Veterans issues.

10) 58 – Transportation, including roads, Amtrak, airlines, and mass transit.

*Through November 30, 2005

“The bottom line is that the people of this state care enough to take the time to come to these sessions and tell me what’s on their mind, and what’s important to them,” Feingold said. “Their ideas and advice have enabled me to serve the people of Wisconsin to the best of my ability.”

Feingold will begin next year’s Listening Sessions in January. Feingold will hold his 1,000th Listening Session in 2006


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