United States Senator James Inhofe
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Defense/Homeland Security

As a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I am a strong supporter of our military forces, and I believe they deserve the best training and equipment this nation can provide. We need to address shortfalls in the military’s budget that have occurred over the years, so that our forces remain the world’s most elite. I will continue to support and fight for Altus Air Force Base, Fort Sill, McAlester’s Ammunition Plant, Tinker Air Force Base and Air Logistic Center, and Vance Air Force Base Read More about Senator Inhofe's Committment to Our Nation's Millitary:

Modernizing and Transforming our Armed Forces to Meet the Threats of the 21st Century - The Best of Everything:

“There is this feeling among the American people that we have the best of everything; that when our kids go into combat, they are armed and equipped with the very best equipment that is out there. Unfortunately, that is not true. It should be true. I think the American people would demand—if they knew we were having these problems—that we would give our kids the very best of everything.” --Senator James Inhofe

Future Combat Systems

“Each year, more FCS technologies are scheduled to be in the hands of our operational forces, enhancing current capabilities. We must build upon the synergies of each individual system, working together as a network, operated by the greatest and best-trained Soldiers in the world.  We must give our Soldiers the capability to be able to fight the wars of today and the wars of the future. FCS is that capability.” --Senator James Inhofe

F-22 Raptor

“This purchase will help to ensure that the U.S. Air Force can maintain air superiority in future conflicts that our country could face anywhere in the world,” Inhofe said.  “The multi-year contract for the F-22s will not only ensure that the United States once again has the world’s most capable tactical fighter aircraft, but it will also result in millions in savings for the American taxpayer.” --Senator James Inhofe

KC-45 Refueling Tanker

“Securing a new air refueling tanker is vital to the national security of the United States, and the time has become critical for its acquisition. Both Altus and Tinker Air Force Bases will play a key role in operating, training and maintaining the KC-45. We need to acquire the right tanker and I look forward to working with the Department of Defense and the Air Force on this critical acquisition program.” --Senator James Inhofe

Missile Defense

“With increasing instability throughout the world and in the region, we must continue to bolster our nation's and our allies' defenses. President Bush should be commended for his steadfast commitment to the deployment of an effective missile defense system capable of protecting the United States, its allies and its forward deployed forces from the growing threat of missile attack.”  --Senator James Inhofe

Building Global Partnerships

“Our ambassadors and combatant commanders have stated their needs in no uncertain terms: The authorities contained in this legislation would provide important tools to shape the security environment and to avoid finding ourselves in situations similar to Iraq and Afghanistan in the future.” --Senator James Inhofe

Supporting the Military

“As this nation continues to fight in the Global War on Terror, the Army will continue to provide the Joint force the capabilities it needs to persist in its struggle for liberty and democracy.  Congress and this nation must remain committed to supporting our soldiers and ensure they are properly manned to be able to engage globally across the spectrum of conflict.  They must also be committed to ensuring that when we send them into harm’s way, they will have best training and equipment available.” --Senator James Inhofe, Co-Chair of the Senate Army Caucus

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Reform

“I take my oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States seriously. I also take seriously my moral obligation to give our leaders the tools that they need to protect all Americans. It is my privilege to represent the courageous men and women who are fighting to keep us safe. It is our duty to be armed with the best foreign intelligence to prevent the loss of innocent lives.”   --U.S. Senator James Inhofe

Law of the Sea Treaty

“The Law of the Sea Treaty is a dangerous treaty that we need to reject.  This treaty hampers the operations of the Navy and it has the potential to hamper the efforts of the proliferation security initiative.  It would allow foreign vessels and warships passage rights into our territorial waters.  It creates regulation and taxation by an international body, and it presents a legal danger for American businesses through exposure to the international court system.” --Senator James Inhofe



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