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U.S. Senator Patty Murray U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State

U.S. Senator Patty Murray's Podcast

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Wednesdays with Murray

Senator Murray talks about the issues at the forefront. This week (5/14/08) she talks about:

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Audio/Video GalleryPatty Murray - In Her Own Words

Patty Murray
          In Her Own Words...

Full Interview - Audio | Video (25 minutes)

Selected Excerpts by Issue:


On the Floor, In Committee, Around Washington State

January 13, 2009 - Education: Murray asks Education Secretary nominee to work with her to get young people the skills needed for 21st Century Careers.



November 19. 2008 - Economy: Murray discusses economic stimulus and consumer confidence with top economists.



September 26, 2008 - Banking: Murray's floor statement on the purchase of WaMu by J.P. Morgan

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September 10, 2008 - Transportation: Murray speaks on the floor urging colleagues to pass a bill to keep the Highway Trust Fund solvent.

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July 10, 2008 - Aerospace | Air Force Tankers: Murray is skeptical about Pentagon plans to re-open tanker contest.

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June 26, 2008 - Aerospace | Air Force Tankers: Murray says Air Force must follow GAO recommendations and rebid tanker contract.

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June 10, 2008: Energy/Gas Prices: Senator Murray rebukes Republican members of the Senate who blocked debate on the Consumer First-Energy Act of 2008.



June 4, 2008 - Veterans: Senator Murray questions top VA officials over a recent e-mail that discouraged VA employees from diagnosing veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Audio: Opening Statement - Questioning Part I - Questioning Part II | Text


April 30, 2008 - Veterans: Senator Murray joined Senators Akaka and Harkin and veteran leaders to call for transparency at the VA about the realities of veteran suicides and the mental health needs of our veterans.



April 23, 2008 - Veterans: Senator Murray grilled VA Deputy Secretary Gordon Mansfield on recent e-mails showing that the head of VA mental health, Dr. Ira Katz, purposely underestimated statistics on veterans suicides.

Video | Text


April 17, 2008 - Aerospace | Air Force Tankers: Murray denounces the tanker decision at a rally on Capitol Hill.



April 10, 2008 - Wild Sky Wilderness: Murray talks about the Wild Sky Wilderness bill that passed the Senate for the fourth time, clearing an important hurdle for it to become law. 

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April 10, 2008 - Energy & Water: Murray talks about the large cuts to the FY09 energy and water budget requests in a hearing of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development.

Audio | Text

During the hearing, Senator Murray presses top Army Corps of Engineers official about Centralia flood control project.



April 9, 2008 - Hanford Nuclear Cleanup: Senator Murray questions James Rispoli, Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, about the reduced FY09 budget for Hanford Nuclear Cleanup.



April 2, 2008 - Women Veterans: Senator Murray talks about the need to improve care for women veterans.

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March 12, 2008 - Aerospace | Air Force Tankers: Senator Murray questions Air Force Secretary Wynne about the tanker contract.

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March 10, 2008 - Aerospace | Air Force Tankers: Senator Murray highlights new questions about Air Force contract requirements in speech on Senate floor.

Video | Audio | Text


March 7, 2008 - Aerospace | Air Force Tankers: Senator Murray calls on Congress to consider the repercussions of outsourcing military technology.

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March 5, 2008 - Aerospace | Air Force Tankers: Senator Murray took to the Senate floor to set the record straight on many of Airbus' claims regarding jobs and their assertion that their plane is American-made.

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March 4, 2008 - Aerospace | Air Force Tankers: Senator Murray delivered a scathing speech on the Senate floor deriding the Air Force for awarding a $40 billion contract to build our military's aerial refueling tankers to the European company Airbus. 

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January 24, 2008 - Indian Healthcare: Senator Murray speaks out for Indian Health Bill that provides first major healthcare improvements for Washington Tribes since 1992.

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October 24, 2007 - Veterans:  Senator Murray questions the top health official at the VA about why a nominee for VA Secretary has not been selected.

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September 19, 2007- Veterans: Senator Murray speaks on the Senate floor in favor of a bi-partisan amendment to the Department of Defense (DoD) Authorization bill that would provide service members with more time at home with their families.

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September 12, 2007 - Veterans: Senator Murray speaks out on the Senate floor after the Department of Veterans' Affairs' (VA) Inspector General's office released a report that revealed the VA has manipulated statistics on VA patient wait times for health care appointments. 

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September 10, 2007 - Transportation/Bridges: Senator Murray speaks on the floor about her amendment to add $1 billion to repair deficient bridges across the nation.

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August 1, 2007- Children's Healtcare: In a passionate and personal speech on the Senate floor Senator Murray urged Senators and President Bush to do the moral thing and support legislation to expand and strengthen healthcare for children.

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July 25, 2007 - Veterans: Senator Murray urges passage of legislation to improve care for wounded troops and veterans when they return home from battle. 

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July 18, 2007 - Education: Senator Murray urges passage of Higher Education Access Act

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July 12, 2007 - Defense/Veterans: Senator Murray speaks in favor of the bill she helped to author that recognizes our service members as a cost of war, helps to reduce red tape, and gives veterans the support they need was included in the 2008 Department of Defense (DoD) authorization bill.

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July 12, 2007 - Healthcare: Senator Murray questions Dr. James Holsinger, the President's nominee to be the next Surgeon General at a Senate confirmation hearing.

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June 19, 2007 - Worker's Rights: Senator Murray voices her support for the Employee Free Choice Act in a speech on the Senate floor. The Employee Free Choice Act allows workers to bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions by restoring workers’ freedom to choose for themselves whether to join a union.

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June 12, 2007 - Asbestos: Senator Murray testifies at a hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on the urgent need to ban the importation and use of asbestos in the U.S.  She spoke in favor of her Ban Asbestos in America Act of 2007.

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June 7, 2007 - Stem Cells: As the United States Congress sent President Bush stem cell legislation that provides hope to Americans with debilitating diseases, Senator Murray delivered a speech on the Senate floor calling on the President to sign the legislation.

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May 16, 2007 - Iraq:  Senator Murray calls for new priorities to protect America including redeploying troops from Iraq's civil war, targeting Al Qaeda terrorists around the globe, and rebuilding America's military.

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May 9, 2007 - Iraq: Senator Murray questions Defense Secretary Robert Gates on the training of Iraqi security forces, the lack of progress on meeting political benchmarks, and the need to end the stigma surrounding mental health care in the military.

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April 25, 2007 - Iraq: Senator Murray delivers a major address on the Senate floor laying out a responsible direction forward in Iraq.

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April 24, 2007 - NCLB: Senator Murray pushes high school reform and her PASS Act at Senate  NCLB Hearing.

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April 17, 2007 - Domestic Violence: Senator Murray introduced legislation and chaired a hearing that focused on domestic violence in the workplace.

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April 12, 2007 - Veterans: Senator Murray called on top officials at the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to investigate reports of service members being "low-balled" on their disability ratings.

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April 12, 2007 - Veterans: Senator Murray questioned VA Secretary Jim Nicholson about why the VA and Pentagon were aware of bureaucratic problems at Walter Reed three years before they were publicly exposed and failed to act.

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April 11, 2007 - Stem Cells: Senator Murray spoke on the Senate Floor about the need to expand stem cell research. In the speech I discussed my father's experience with Multiple Sclerosis.

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April 11, 2007: National Guard: At a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Senator Murray asked the Chief of the National Guard about concerns I have heard from National Guard soldiers in our state.

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March 29, 2007 - Iraq: Senator Murray spoke about the Supplemental spending bill that calls for the President to start redeploying troops from Iraq within 120 days and sets the goal of having most U.S. troops out of Iraq by March 31, 2008.

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March 29, 2007 - Washington Post Radio Interview: Senator Murray discusses Walter Reed and Veterans.



March 27 - Veterans: Senator Murray welcomed Denise Mettie of Selah, Washington to the VeAffairs Committee. Her son, retired Army Specialist Evan Mettie, suffered a severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Iraq. Denise testified on the care she has sought for Evan.

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March 13, 2007 - Iraq/Veterans: Today, Senator Murray, delivered a speech on the Senate floor on the administration's response to veterans' health care failures including Walter Reed.

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February 27, 2007 - Iraq/Veterans: Senator Murray questions Defense Secretary Gates and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Pace about taking better care of our troops as they go into battle and after they return home.



February 1, 2007 - Veterans: Senator Murray today joined with veterans of the Iraq War, Senators, and veterans' advocates to call on the President to finally present a budget that adequately funds the needs of America's veterans.

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February 1, 2007 - Healthcare: Senator Murray speaks on the Senate floor to respond to several healthcare proposals that President Bush mentioned in his State of the Union address.

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January 24, 2007 - Minimum Wage: Today Senator Murray stood up for America's workers by pushing to raise the federal minimum wage for the first time in 10 years.

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January 23, 2007 - State of the Union: Murray's statement on the President's State of the Union address.

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January 4, 2007 - Priorities: In her first speech on the Senate floor in 2007, Senator Murray speaks about some of her priorities for the new session of the 110th Congress.



September 27, 2006 - Iraq/Veterans: Senator Murray delivers floor speech on how the Bush Administration's failures on veterans care and Iraq war planning demand congressional oversight.

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September 8, 2006 - GreenLane/Port Security: Senator Murray introduces the GreenLane Bill for Senate consideration.

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June 6, 2006 - Iraq/Veterans: Senator Murray delivers an impassioned speech about the Senate debating the Marriage Protection Amendment instead of focusing on the priorities of Iraq and veterans healthcare.

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May 9, 2006 - Healthcare: - Senator Murray today spoke out against the Republican sponsored "Health Insurance Marketplace Modernization and Affordability Act" (S. 1955) on the floor of the United States Senate.

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April 26, 2006 - Veterans: In a fight for veterans on the Senate floor, Senator Murray and Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) won passage of an amendment adding $430 million to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

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April 5, 2006 - GreenLane/Port Security: Today at a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Senator Murray urged Congress to pass the Murray-Collins GreenLane Maritime Cargo Security Act (S.2459).

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March 30, 2006 - Immigration: Senator Murray today took to the floor of the U.S. Senate to share her perspective and priorities on immigration reform.

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March 14, 2006 - Housing: Senator Murray spoke to local housing officials from across the country at a meeting of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.

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February 28, 2006 - Homeland Security: Senator Murray questions DHS Secretary Chertoff about the FY07 budget.



February 28, 2006 - Veterans: Hearing on the legislative priorities and views of the Disabled Veterans of America.



February 28, 2006 - Budget: Senator Murray delivers a floor speech on the misguided priorities of the President's budget for FY2007.



February 7, 2006 - Budget: Senator Murray questions OMB Director Bolten on the President's budget request for 2007.



February 7, 2006 - Budget: Senator Murray delivers a major floor speech on the President's budget for FY2007.

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February 2, 2006 - Medicare Prescription Drugs: Murray speaks on the floor in favor of the Bingaman/Rockefeller/Murray amendment to try and fix the flawed Medicare Prescription Drug law that went into effect on January 1, 2006.

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February 2, 2006 - Veterans: Hearing - The Jobs for Veterans Act Three Years Later: Are Vets Employment Programs Working for Veterans



January 31, 2006 - Asbestos: Senator Murray questions whether new OSHA nominee will aggressively protect Americans from deadly asbestos.

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January 25, 2006 - Homeland Security: Senator Murray presses Bush administration to delay passport requirement and work with Whatcom businesses to ensure secure, efficient border.

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January 25, 2006 - Supreme Court: Senator Murray explains her decision to vote no on Judge Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court.

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December 15, 2005: Budget Cuts: Senator Murray warns an across the board budget cut will hurt aviation safety, transportation and housing.

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November 2, 2005 - Medicare/Prescription Drugs: Senator Murray urges the Senate to ensure that 6.4 million low-income and disabled Americans get an extra six months to transition into the new Medicare prescription drug program.

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October 26, 2005 - Medicare: Murray offers an amendment to provide $2 billion in emergency funding for states to provide “stop gap” drug coverage for low income seniors and the disabled currently receiving assistance from Medicaid, State Drug Assistance Programs or AIDS drug assistance programs.

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September 28, 2005 - Supreme Court: Murray announces her vote in favor of Judge John Roberts to be the 17th Chief Justice of the United States.

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September 12, 2005 - Supreme Court: Murray addresses  the importance of  the Supreme Court  nomination process.

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September 7, 2005 - Hurricane Katrina: Senator Murray addresses the aftermath and recovery of Hurricane Katrina.

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August 2, 2005 - Farmworker Housing: Senator Murray updates residents of Buena Nueva and leaders about the progress on farmworker housing.

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August 2, 2005 - Transportation: Senator Murray speaks at the celebration of the soundwall completion along SR 240 between Hanford and the Tri-Cities.



August 1, 2005 - Transportation: Senator Murray joins with local leaders to announce that she has doubled the federal funding for ferry systems nationwide over the next five years.



July 12, 2005 - Veterans: Murray speaks on the floor in support of her amendment to provide $1.5 billion this year for veterans health care. The amendment passed 95-0.

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June 23, 2005 - Veterans: Murray calls for emergency supplemental to pay for veterans health care.  

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May 17, 2005 - Environment: Senator Murray speaks on the floor to mark the 25th anniversary of the day that Mount St. Helens erupted.

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May 10, 2005 - Iraq/Veterans: Murray speaks on the floor about her concerns with the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill.

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More on Iraq & Veterans


May 2, 2005 - Aerospace:– Senator Murray told more than 2,000 airport leaders that the White House and Congress are poised to scale back federal support for airports, modern air traffic control equipment, and security infrastructure.

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More on Aerospace


April 28, 2005 - Budget: Senator Murray speaks on the Senate floor to outline her concerns with the Republican budget resolution, which sets spending priorities for Fiscal Year 2006.

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April 26, 2005 - Social Security & Washington Wine: Senator Murray questions Treasury Secretary John Snow about Bush Administration proposals to privatize Social Security, impose new fees on Washington’s wine industry, and cut back on services that help taxpayers.

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More on Social Security and Washington Wine


April 20, 2005 - Port Security: Senator Murray questions Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff about Northern Border and Port & Cargo Security.

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More on Port Security & Homeland Security


April 19, 2005 - Veterans: At a Veterans Affairs Committee hearing, Murray hears testimony from Army Lt. John Fernandez and Army PFC Tristan Wyatt. Lt. Fernandez lost both legs below the knee in a friendly fire incident. PFC Wyatt had his right leg amputated above the knee after he took shrapnel wounds in a fire fight.

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More on Veterans


April 12, 2005 - Veterans: Senator Murray fights on the Senate floor to pass her amendment to increase VA health care funding.

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April 11, 2005 - Aerospace: Senator Murray speaks on the Senate floor on a resolution that calls on European governments to reject launch aid for Airbus and supports the President’s authority to take any action necessary to protect American aerospace jobs. The Senate passed the resolution by a vote of 96-0.

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More on Aerospace


March 22, 2005 - Iraq: Murray speaks from Baghdad about visiting the troops and her trip to Iraq.

Video - Press conference with international media. This is a brief statement about her visit to Iraq.
Audio - A conference call with WA state reporters. This is a longer and more detailed discussion about her trip.

More on Senator Murray's day in Iraq | More on her entire trip to the Middle East


March 9, 2005 -Veterans: Murray speaks at a combined hearing of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees to a panel and audience of VFW members.



February 17, 2005 - Iraq: Senator Murray questions Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about the President's appeal for broad discretionary authority over his latest supplemental request for our mission in Iraq.


More on Iraq


February 16, 2005 - Veterans: Senator Murray questions Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about the president’s $82 billion supplemental request that does not contain a single penny to care for our soldiers when they return home.

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More on Veterans


February 16, 2005 - Social Security: Senator Murray makes the case against Bush's Social Security privatization plan.



February 14, 2005 - Social Security: Senator Murray speaks out about the massive new debt President Bush's Social Security plan will heap on future generations.



February 9, 2005 - Energy: Senator Murray questions Josh Bolten, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), about the effects the Administration's budget plan would have on Washington families and businesses.

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More on Energy


February 8, 2005 - Asbestos: Senator Murray renews call to protect Asbestos victims and ban use of the deadly material

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More on Asbestos


July 15, 2004 - Aerospace: Senator Murray details her plan to save American aerospace jobs in a speech at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

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More on Aerospace


July 7, 2004 - Rural Telecom: Senator Murray participates in a video conference and ribbon cutting with the West End Technology Center in Forks, Washington.

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More on Rural Telecom


June 15, 2004 - Pipeline Safety:  Senator Murray speaks at a Commerce committee oversight hearing on pipeline safety.

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More on Pipeline Safety


June 3, 2004 - Hanford Cleanup: Senator Murray speaks on the Senate floor in favor of an amendment offered by Senator Cantwell.

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More on Hanford Cleanup


May 19, 2004 - Education: Senator Murray speaks on the Senate floor about the state of education in America today.

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More on Education


May 19, 2004 - National Guard & Reserve: Senator Murray calls for more support for the Guard and Reserve troops and their families.

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May 12, 2004 - Education/IDEA: Senator Murray introduces her amendment to improve special education for disabled children who frequently change schools.

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May 4, 2004 - Aerospace: Senator Murray delivered a major policy speech about the future of the American aerospace industry on the Senate floor

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More on Aerospace


April 21, 2004 - Asbestos: Senator Murray shares her serious concerns with the asbestos liability bill before the Senate.

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More on Asbestos


March 24, 2004 - Asbestos: Senator Murray joined with Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Sen. Mark Dayton (D-Minn), two doctors, and dozens of asbestos victims and family members to urge Congress to improve the asbestos-liability bill that will be brought to the Senate floor next month.

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March 15, 2004 - Port Security: Senator Murray joined with port, security, and trade leaders at the Port of Tacoma celebrate the arrival of the first container shipment tracked by Operation Safe Commerce.

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More on Port Security


March 10, 2004 - Education: Senator Murray introduced an amendment to the fiscal year 2005 budget to fully fund the No Child Left Behind Act. The amendment, which provides $8.6 billion to help schools meet the federal mandate that was passed two years ago, failed on a 46-52 vote.

Amendment Intro: Text | Video
Further Remarks on the Amendment: Video

More on Education


March 9, 2004 - Transportation: Senator Murray questioned Secretary Mineta at a hearing of the Senate’s Transportation, Treasury and General Government Appropriations subcommittee. The hearing examined the Administration’s transportation budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2005. The Administration’s proposal is $45 billion below the funding level that the Senate approved just last month in the surface transportation reauthorization bill.

Opening Remarks: Text | Video
First Q & A: Video
Second Q & A: Video

More on Transportation


March 8, 2004 - Budget: Senator Murray spoke on the Senate floor to outline her concerns with the Republican budget resolution, which sets spending priorities for Fiscal Year 2005.

Text | Video


March 3, 2004 - Jobs: Senator Murray introduced her amendment to extend the Research and Development Tax Credit for 18 months to help American workers. The Senate unanimously passed the amendment by a vote of 93-0.

Statement | Video - Floor Statement
Audio - Murray's Reaction after Amendment Passage

More on Labor


March 3, 2004 - Transportation: Today Senator Murray spoke to more than 200 leaders of the Transport Workers Union at their legislative conference in Washington, D.C.


More on Transportation


February 25, 2004 - Homeland Security: Don’t cut funding for emergency planning and first responders. That was the message Senator Murray delivered today at a hearing where she questioned Michael Brown, the Undersecretary for Emergency Preparedness and Response at the Department of Homeland Security.

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More on Homeland Security


February 25, 2004 - Homeland Security: Senator Murray questioned Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge about his proposal to shift the economic burden of securing our nation’s seaports to the private sector.



February 12, 2004 - National Guard: Senator Murray introduced the Guard and Reserve Enhanced Benefits Act of 2004 (S.2068), that would increase services and benefits to members of the National Guard and Reserves when they are called to service.

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February 11, 2004 - Homeland Security/Port Security: Today Senator Murray spoke at a press conference highlighting the inadequate funding for port security in the administration's proposed homeland security budget for 2005.

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More on Homeland Security | Port Security


February 10, 2004 - Homeland Security/Port Security: Senator Murray questioned Homeland Security Secretary, Tom Ridge, about the proposed homeland security budget for 2005 that eliminates or underfunds new port security measures.



February 3, 2004 - Agriculture: Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray spoke with members of the Washington Farm Bureau about agricultural issues in the United States Senate. She addressed the group video during it’s annual Legislative Days meeting in Olympia, Washington. Murray touched on a host of topics including product labeling, foreign markets, agricultural research and Mad Cow disease.

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More on Agriculture


January 22, 2004 - Judicial Nomination: Today Senator Murray spoke in support of Judge Ricardo Martinez at a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Judge Martinez currently serves as a U.S. Magistrate Judge in Seattle.

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December 3, 2003 - Washington's Ports: Senator Murray spoke at the annual meeting of the WA Public Ports Association.

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November 23, 2003 - Medicare/Prescription Drugs: Today, Senator Murray spoke on the Senate floor in opposition to the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill.

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More on Medicare | Prescription Drugs


November 13, 2003 - Judicial Nominations: As the “manufactured crisis” on judges continued, Senator Murray gave an additional statement on the Senate floor.

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November 13, 2003 - Judicial Nominations: As the “manufactured crisis” on judges entered its 18th hour, Senator Murray gave the following statement on the Senate floor.

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November 11, 2003 - Veterans: Today - Veterans Day, Senator Murray spoke on the Senate floor to honor our nation's veterans.

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More on Veterans


November 7, 2003 - Trade/Port Security: Senator Murray addressed a Maritime Trade Summit in Seattle about port security, channel deepening and mobility.

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More on Trade | Port Security


October 30, 2003 - Domestic Violence/ SAFE Act: Senator Murray spoke to reporters about the SAFE Act she introduced today.


More on Domestic Violence


October 30, 2003 - Environment/Old Growth Forests: Today Senator Murray introduced an amendment to the Healthy Forests bill to better protect Old Growth Forests.

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More on Environment


October 30, 2003 - Environment/Climate Stewardship Act: Today Sen. Patty Murray spoke on the Senate floor in support of the bipartisan McCain-Lieberman climate change legislation. The bill would reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.

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October 29, 2003 - Economy/Workers: Today on the Senate floor, Senator Murray introduced a bill to extend unemployment benefits to laid-off workers. The Senate is scheduled to adjourn for the year in mid-November, but U.I. benefits will expire on December 31st. Murray believes Congress must pass an extension before it leaves town for the year.

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More on Economy | Labor


September 27, 2003 - Democratic Response to President Bush's Weekly Address: Today Senator Murray delivered the response to the President's weekly address.



September 16, 2003 - FCC Ruling: Today, Senator Patty Murray spoke in support of a bipartisan resolution that invalidates the FCC order regarding media ownership.

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September 9, 2003 - Labor/Overtime Pay: Today, Senator Murray spoke on the Senate floor to protect the overtime pay of millions of Americans from a change being proposed by the Bush Administration.

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More about Labor


September 4, 2003 - Labor/Job Training: Today, Senator Murray offered an amendment to increase funding by $801 million for critically needed worker training and retraining under the Workforce Investment Act.

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September 3, 2003 - Education: Today, during debate of the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill, Senator Murray spoke in favor of an amendment to increase funding for Title I by 6.15 billion that would serve 6.2 million disadvantaged kids. This proposed increase would help 2.1 million kids that would otherwise be left behind under President Bush's budget for Title I.

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More on Education


July 31, 2003 - Health Care: Today, Senator Murray spoke at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's 4th Annual Kids & Families press conference.

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More about Health Care


July 30, 2003 - Energy: Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash) spoke in favor of an amendment to punish companies that have been found to knowingly engage in electricity market manipulation, tactics used by Enron and others during the 2001 energy crisis to hurt Washington ratepayers. Murray spoke on the Senate floor in favor of an amendment offered by Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) to the spending Senate energy bill.

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More about Energy


July 23, 2003 – Homeland Security: Today, Senator Murray offered an amendment to help local communities prepare for - and respond to - emergencies. Murray’s amendment would provide an additional $100 million for Emergency Management Planning Grants to ensure that emergency planners across America have the resources they need to respond to a terrorist attack or other disaster.

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More about Homeland Security


July 15, 2003 - Judges: Today, Senator Murray spoke on the Senate floor in favor of the confirmation of Judge Lonny Suko to serve as a U.S. District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Washington state. Senator Murray, who worked with the Bush Administration to select Lonny Suko for this position, also testified on his behalf at a June 25th Senate Confirmation hearing

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July 10, 2003 - Economy/Workers: Today Senator Murray introduced an amendment to extend unemployment benefits for workers whose benefits are running out but who still can’t find a job.

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More about Economy & Labor


June 11, 2003 - Energy/Environment: Today, Senator Murray spoke on the Senate Floor to urge passage of an amendment that would protect Washington’s coast from oil and gas exploration.

Transcript | Video

More about Energy & Environment


June 4, 2003 - Wild Sky: Today, Senator Murray spoke at a Senate hearing on her Wild Sky Wilderness proposal.

Transcript | Video

More about Wild Sky


June 4, 2003 - Asbestos: Today, Senator Murray called for a ban on asbestos at a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Transcript | Video

More about Asbestos


June 3, 2003 - Asbestos: Today Senator Murray held a press conference to outline her concerns about a proposed asbestos liability trust fund.

Transcript | Video


May 14, 2003 – Economy: Today Senator Murray introduced an amendment to provide immediate fiscal relief for states like Washington, which are struggling with massive deficits. Murray amendment would also provide help for Medicaid.

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April 30, 2003 - Education: Today Senator Murray answered questions from students from several schools around Washington State. It was a great opportunity to connect with students in Washington State from here in the U.S. Senate.



March 20, 2003 - Iraq: Today Senator Murray spoke about the start of military action in Iraq.

Transcript | Video


March 19, 2003 - Education: Today U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash) offered an amendment to the budget resolution to fully-fund the bipartisan "No Child Left Behind" law.

Transcript | Video


March 19, 2003 - ANWR: As the Senate debated the FY 2004 budget, Sen. Patty Murray spoke on the Senate floor this morning to prevent drilling in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

Transcript | Video


March 18, 2003 - Asbestos: Today, Senator Murray highlighted the dangers of Asbestos at an abandoned home in Spokane.

Remarks by Senator Murray, Mr. Ralph Busch, and Mr. Marv Sather

More about Asbestos


March 17, 2003 - Budget: This afternoon, Sen. Murray spoke on the Senate floor about the Budget Resolution that the new majority has proposed for FY 2004. She called the proposal "reckless" for pushing a large new tax cut, for cutting funds for education and transportation, and for ignoring the costs of the looming conflict in Iraq.

Transcript | Video


February 6, 2003 - Asbestos: Today, Senator Murray asked why our government is not protecting homeowners and workers from Zonolite insulation.

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January 22, 2003 - Healthcare: Murray offers amendment to save local healthcare program. Today, Senator Murray offered an amendment to improve access to healthcare for the uninsured by restoring $120 million for the Community Access Program (CAP).

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Update: Senator Murray’s amendment passed the Senate unanimously and was signed into law by the President in February 2003. Details


January 15, 2003 - Homeland Security: Today, Senator Murray spoke on the Senate floor in favor of an amendment to increase funding for Homeland Security.

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January 15, 2003 - Economy: Today, Senator Murray outlined the economic challenges facing Washington State and talked about the best ways to stimulate our economy.

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October 9, 2002 - Iraq: Today, Senator Murray voiced her opposition to S.J.Res.46, which would authorize the use of force in Iraq.

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July 22, 2002 - Prescription Drugs: Today, Senator Murray addressed the Senate to speak in support of the Graham-Miller-Kennedy bill, a prescription drug benefit plan that she is co-sponsoring. The bill would enact a comprehensive and reliable drug benefit to seniors, providing coverage for every prescription without any deductible or coverage gap.

Text | Video | More About Prescription Drugs


July 11, 2002 - Port Security: Today, Senator Murray joined with officials from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the Coast Guard, Customs, and ports to unveil a cutting-edge pilot project that will improve cargo security and expedite cargo efficiency at the ports of Seattle and Tacoma.

The new system will enable U.S. authorities to track the shipments through their entry into the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma and on to their final destination. It marks one of the first concrete measures taken to improve port security in America.

Video | More about Port Security


June 20, 2002 - Asbestos: This morning, Senator Murray testified at a hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Superfund, Toxics, Risk, and Waste Management, which is part of the Environment and Public Works Committee.



June 18, 2002 - Asbestos: Today, Senator Murray held a press conference to introduce the Ban Asbestos in America Act, S.2641.



June 14, 2002- Medicare: This morning, Senator Murray spoke on the Senate floor to outline her Medifair bill, which prescribes sufficient reimbursement rates in all states. Currently, Washington state ranks far behind the rest of the country in Medicare reimbursement rates per beneficiary, causing physicians to leave and patients to suffer from inadequate health care access.

Text | Video | More about Medifair


June 13, 2002 - Interior: Senator Murray questioned Interior Secretary Gale Norton at a hearing of the Interior Appropriations Subcommittee.

Murray gave opening comments about fire protection, Willapa Bay invasive species funding, and the importance of consulting with tribes on trust fund management.

Murray then questioned Sec. Norton about removing barriers at Icicle Creek, Bush Administration cuts to tribal resource management programs, law enforcement in Indian Country, and staffing for the new Colville Confederated Tribes detention facility, which is scheduled to open in Fall 2003 but lacks federal funding to hire staff.

Video - Opening Comments | Video - Q & A


June 10, 2002 - Hate Crimes: Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray spoke on the Senate floor explaining her support for federal hate crimes legislation. The bill, S. 625, would provide additional tools to prosecute hate crimes, which are crimes motivated by a victim's race, color, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, disability, or gender.

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May 28, 2002 - Fighting Poverty: Senator Murray spoke at the “One Spokane Poverty Summit,” a two-day, community-wide conference focused on fighting poverty and creating jobs in Spokane. She shared her family’s experiences in a very personal address.

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April 18, 2002 - Cleaning Up Hanford: Senator Murray chaired a hearing on the Department of Energy's Environmental Management of nuclear clean-up sites. Murray questioned Jesse Roberson (Assistant Secretary, Office of Environmental Management) about work at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

Text | Video | More about Hanford Cleanup


April 17, 2002 - ANWR: Senator Murray spoke on the Senate floor to outline her concerns with the pending Energy Bill and to detail her opposition to drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

Text | Video


March 7, 2002 - Pipeline Safety: Murray Speaks in favor of the Pipeline Safety Amendment.

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February 28, 2002 - Women's Health: Murray Speaks at a Joint Senate hearing on mammograms.



February 6, 2002 - Health Care: Murray Draws on Family Experience to Urge Support for Family Caregivers at Senate Hearing.

Text | Video | More about Health Care


February 5, 2002 - Hanford Cleanup: Senator Murray fights for funding to cleanup the Hanford Nuclear facility.

President Bush's budget cut funding for the Hanford Nuclear cleanup. Today, during a hearing of the Senate Budget Committee, Senator Murray questioned the President's budget director, Mitch Daniels.



January 24, 2002 - Laid-off Workers: Senator Murray asks questions of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan at a hearing of the Senate Budget Committee. Murray again called for extending healthcare and unemployment benefits for laid-off workers.

Video | More about Labor & Economy


December 7, 2001 - Senator Murray speaks on the Senate floor in favor of a program in the Defense funding bill to allow the Air Force to lease refueling tankers from Boeing.

Text | Video


November 15, 2001 - Laid-off Workers/Economy: At a press conference today with her Senate colleagues, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash) highlighted the need for extending unemployment benefits to help laid-off workers and to stimulate the economy. Yesterday, the Democratic proposal to stimulate the economy (which included extending benefits) was defeated on a party-line vote.

Text | Video


November 5, 2001 - Stem Cell Research: At a HELP Committee Hearing (Health, Education, Labor & Pensions), Senator Murray questions Health and Human Services Secretary Thompson on the impact the President's stem cell research proposal will have on medical research.



August 2, 2001 - Social Security: At a Budget Committee hearing, Senator Murray raises concerns about how privatizing Social Security would affect women.



July 31, 2001 - Asbestos: Remarks by Senator Murray on Asbestos Exposure and Workplace Safety



July 26, 2001 - Highway Safety: Remarks by Senator Murray on Ensuring the Safety of Mexican Trucks

Video | More on Transportation


July 20, 2001 - Transportation: Murray Introduces the Transportation Funding Bill to the Full Senate



July 11, 2001 - Hanford Reach: Murray Prevents Drilling in the Hanford Reach

Video | More on Hanford Reach


June 27, 2001 - Patients' Rights: Murray Explains How Patients' Rights Bill Would Affect Women



June 20, 2001 - Patients' Rights: Murray Fights for Patients' Rights



June 7, 2001 - Olympians Support Murray Resolution



June 20, 2001 - Energy Crisis: Murray Testifies on the Energy Crisis In Washington

Video | More on Energy


June 12, 2001 - Social Security: Murray Fights To Protect Women During Social Security Reform



June 12, 2001 - Education: Murray Helps Defeat School Vouchers

Video | More on Education


May 30, 2001 - Health Care: Murray Talks at Health Care Forum in Thurston County



May 15, 2001 - Education: GOP Kills Successful Class Size Reduction Effort



May 9, 2001 - Budget: Murray Speaks Against Partisan Budget Resolution



May 8, 2001- Education: Murray Leads Senate Fight for Smaller Classes



May 2, 2001 - Education: Murray Begins Senate Education Debate



April 28, 2001 - Murray Radio Address: Bush's First 100 Days



April 20, 2001 - Children: Murray Does Public Service Announcement for Children
