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Reid supports mob museum, but not in stimulus bill


Associated Press

January 15, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Wednesday defended a planned mob museum in his home state. But contrary to the wishes of Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Reid said it wouldn't be part of the upcoming economic stimulus plan.

"I think that the mob museum is a good idea. I think it will draw a lot of people," said Reid. But "the economic stimulus plan will have no earmarks in it, there will be none."

Goodman had included the $55 million museum on a wish list of projects compiled last month by the U.S. Conference of Mayors and submitted to President-elect Barack Obama's transition team.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, however, cited it on a Sunday morning talk show as an example of pork-barrel spending that shouldn't be in the massive stimulus plan.

The museum would be housed in a renovated neoclassical post office, one of the city's oldest buildings. Sen. Estes Kefauver held one of his hearings on organized crime in the building in 1950.

Goodman has argued the project fits criteria for the multimillion-dollar stimulus plan — planning is well advanced and benefits to the area could be realized quickly. He said it would create 275 jobs as part of a larger development plan for an area of downtown he'd like to revive.

Goodman predicts the museum will attract 250,000 visitors annually. The museum already has spent $3.6 million in federal grants, largely from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Another $11.5 million has come from the state and local funding.

"I think that history is what the world is made of, and everyone knows that Las Vegas had some of its origins with people who were connected. I think it's a great story to tell," Reid said.

Associated Press Writer Kathleen Hennessey contributed to this report from Las Vegas.

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