United States Senate
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United States Senate
Calendars & Schedules
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Active Legislation

Floor Schedule

Friday, Jan 30, 2009

9:30 a.m.: Convene and begin a period of morning business.

Previous Meeting

Thursday, Jan 29, 2009

The Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and adjourned at 9:15 p.m. 8 record votes were taken.

Daily Digest (latest issue)

Senate Calendar (latest issue)

Executive Calendar (latest issue, PDF format)

Senate Legislative Calendar

The Senate's Legislative Calendar is updated each day the Senate is in session. The calendar, composed of several sections, identifies bills and resolutions awaiting Senate floor actions. Most measures are placed on the calendar under the heading "General Orders" in the sequence in which they were added to the calendar. Other sections are provided to address special situations in which floor actions have been deferred and to show the status of bills in conference and of appropriations bills.


Executive Calendar

The Senate's Executive Calendar is updated each day the Senate is in session. The calendar identifies executive resolutions, treaties, and nominations reported out by Senate committee(s) and awaiting Senate floor action. The Executive Calendar is composed of five sections described in more detail in the boxes on this page.



View the House of Representatives Calendars.

Congressional Sessions lists all Congresses and corresponding years  - from 1789, when the 1st Congress met, through the current Congress.


These calendars list the days the Senate met for each session of Congress.