Human Rights & Rule of Law

9/11/08: Dodd Statement on Bolivian Government's Expulsion of U.S. Ambassador

September 11, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd, a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Chairman of its Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Narcotics Affairs, released the following statement today on the Bolivian government’s decision to expel United States Ambassador Philip Goldberg.

“I condemn the Bolivian government’s decision to expel U.S. Ambassador Goldberg from La Paz.  This action is unjustified and only serves to further undermine the relationship between the United States and Bolivia.  
“I have urged – and continue to urge – Bolivians on all sides of current tensions to “lower the temperature” and restrain from undemocratic, destabilizing actions of any kind.  We do not condone illegal acts by either side, including the violent attacks against economic targets this week.
“The United States, including our Embassy in La Paz, is committed to working closely and constructively with all members of Bolivian society on stemming the illegal production and flow of narcotics and other matters of mutual interest.”

8/18/08: Dodd Statement on the Resignation of Pakistan President Musharraf

August 18, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd, senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement on the resignation of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf:


“The resignation of Pakistan President Musharraf – nine years after the military coup that brought him to power – is welcome news.  Though it may deepen Pakistan’s political challenges in the short term, it is essential to Pakistan’s long-term stability and return to a durable democracy. 

7/17/08: Senate Banking Committee Passes Bipartisan Iran Sanctions Legislation

July 17, 2008

Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Richard Shelby (R-AL), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, today announced that the Committee passed “The Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2008” by a vote of 19 to 2.  The Banking Committee exercises jurisdiction over virtually all aspects of U.S financial and economic sanctions policy toward Iran, including the U.S. trade and investment ban administered by the Treasury Department; sanctions against foreign companies that invest substantially in the energy sector; and targeted financial measures, including freezing the assets of individuals involved in proliferation.

7/15/08: Dodd, Shelby Announce Bipartisan Iran Sanctions Legislation

July 15, 2008

Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Richard Shelby (R-AL), Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, today announced that they have reached a bipartisan agreement on legislation that will expand U.S. sanctions on Iran with respect to weapons proliferation, support for terrorism, and the destabilization of its neighbors in the Middle East.  The Banking Committee will consider the legislation on Thursday.

7/10/08: Dodd: The Fight to Defend the Rule of Law Goes On

July 10, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) released the following statement today after President Bush signed the FISA Amendments Act into law.


“With one stroke of his pen, the President has ensured that the truth behind his unprecedented domestic spying regime will never see the light of day. But the fight must go on. I will continue to stand up for the rule of law and the civil liberties of all Americans at every opportunity, and will strongly support efforts to challenge the constitutionality of this decision in the courts.  I can only hope that the courts will be able to correct the mistake the Congress and President have made.”

7/09/08: Dodd Condemns Passage of FISA Legislation

July 9, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) made the following statement today after the Senate voted to pass the FISA Amendments Act:


“Today, the United States Senate faced a very fundamental question that has been asked for generations: Does America stand for the rule of law, or the rule of men?  But by passing FISA legislation that grants retroactive immunity to the telecom companies that allegedly participated in President Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program, we gave the wrong answer.   

7/09/08: Dodd: Does America Stand for the Rule of Law, or the Rule of Men?

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July 9, 2008

As the Senate prepares for a final vote on the FISA Amendments Act today, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) took to the floor again to implore his colleagues to reject the bill, which would grant retroactive immunity to the telecommunication companies that participated in President Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program.  Dodd has fought alongside his colleagues Senators Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) to prevent any bill that provides retroactive immunity from passing the Senate.  The Senate today considered Dodd’s amendment to strike the retroactive immunity provision from the FISA bill.

7/08/08: Dodd Takes Stand Against Retroactive Immunity

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July 8, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) went to the Senate floor tonight to speak in opposition to the FISA legislation currently being considered by the Senate.  Dodd, a staunch opponent of retroactive immunity for telecommunications companies, has offered an amendment that would strip the retroactive immunity provision from the bill. 

7/02/08: Dodd Statement on Rescue of Colombian Hostages

July 2, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the Chairman of its Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, Narcotics, made the following statement regarding the rescue of hostages being held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, also known as the FARC:


6/24/08: Senator Dodd Speaks in Opposition to FISA Bill on Floor of U.S. Senate

Click image to play video
June 24, 2008

Remarks as Prepared - Mr. President: I rise—once again—to voice my strong opposition to the misguided FISA legislation before us today.  I have strong reservations about the so-called improvements made to Title I.  But more than that, this legislation includes provisions which would grant retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that apparently have violated the privacy and the trust of millions of Americans by participating in the president’s warrantless wiretapping program.  If we pass this legislation, the Senate will ratify a domestic spying regime that has already concentrated far too much unaccountable power in the president’s hands and will place the telecommunications companies above the law. 

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