Middle East Developments

3/27/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Iraq Vote

March 27, 2007

“This vote sends a clear message to President Bush and others who believe that a protracted, embattled stay in Iraq is preferable to a clear course of action. I would have preferred to begin phased deployment even earlier, but this is a positive development that I strongly support.


 “Even if the President vetoes this bill, which I would strongly urge him not to, Congress has taken a critical step in taking the U.S. policy in a new direction and stopping the Administration’s failed policy. We are also serving a wakeup call to the Iraqi government that the American Congress and the overwhelming majority of the public do not believe that the conflict in Iraq can be won militarily. It is critical that Iraqi officials get serious in working toward political reconciliation and a vision for Iraq that is supported by the majority of its citizens.   This will not be the last effort by the Congress to end the administration's failed policy.”

3/21/07: Dodd Assesses Efforts by U.S. to Increase Economic, Diplomatic, Political Pressure on Iran

Convenes Banking Hearing with Key Administration Witnesses

March 21, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd, Chairman of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, today questioned key Administration witnesses charged with overseeing U.S-Iranian policy to help assess progress in efforts to change Iran's behavior, and determine what further steps should be taken by the United States government to strengthen these efforts.

3/19/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Fourth Anniversary of Iraq War

March 19, 2007

“Looking back to March 19th 2003, I never imagined that four years later, the United States would still have nearly 150,000 troops deployed in Iraq, going door-to-door, caught in the cross-fire of a sectarian civil-war.  I never imaged that four years later, more than 3,000 of our brave young men and women would have sacrificed their lives, tens of thousands more sustained life-altering injuries, and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians would have been killed.

3/14/07: Senator Dodd Speaks in Support of Latest Iraq Resolution

With concerns, Dodd backs resolution setting 'goal' date of withdrawal

March 14, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a leading advocate of meaningful, binding action regarding Iraq, today voiced his support for the latest Iraq resolution during Senate debate today. Dodd, who in the past offered his own binding legislation regarding the redeployment of troops in Iraq, said he could support the resolution, but voiced some key concerns.

3/07/07: Senator Dodd Introduces Resolution to Pressure Pakistan on Al Qaeda

March 7, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today introduced a resolution that will express to the Administration Congress’ view that the determination of appropriate levels of military assistance to Pakistan should be guided by demonstrable progress by the Government of Pakistan in achieving certain objectives related to counterterrorism and democratic reforms. Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joe Biden (D-DE) are cosponsors of the resolution.

2/28/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on U.S. Talks with Iran and Syria

February 28, 2007

“This development is long over due. I hope this is the first step in a more comprehensive diplomatic effort by the Bush Administration to begin to bring all countries in the region together to help stabilize Iraq and begin redeployment out of that country. I'm disheartened to hear, however, that these talks will be strictly about Iraq and not other critical issues, such as terrorism and nuclear weapons programs, which must be addressed and resolved as quickly as possible.”

2/17/07: Statement of Senator Dodd Following Cloture Vote

February 17, 2007

“It is time that this Congress moves beyond debating non-binding resolutions about the surge.  It is time for the Congress to debate how much longer and under what circumstances we are prepared to support funding for a continued U.S. presence in Iraq.


“That is the debate the American people want to hear, that is the debate our courageous and dedicated troops deserve.”

2/13/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Iran

February 13, 2007

“I am deeply troubled by this Administration’s escalating rhetoric against Iran, especially intelligence from unnamed officials that is not fully documented.  It is frighteningly reminiscent of the pattern we saw in the drumbeat that led to the war with Iraq.  We continue to witness the lethal consequences of our failed policies in Iraq. I will not remain silent should the Bush Administration attempt to lead us down a similar path with respect to Iran.

2/08/07: Senator Dodd Urges State Dept. to Set the Record Straight on Iran

February 8, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) sent a letter today to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice requesting information about proposals that Iran sent to the U.S. in 2003 urging an open dialogue between the two nations.  At this morning’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the Administration’s foreign affairs budget, Secretary Rice testified that she was unaware of these proposals.  However, Secretary Rice has indicated knowledge of these documents in the past. 

2/08/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on the Nomination of George Casey to be U.S. Army Chief of Staff

February 8, 2007

Mr. President, I rise today to express my support for the confirmation of General George Casey to become the next Chief of Staff of the United States Army.

Let us be clear.  Our soldiers are fighting a grueling and dangerous war.   They need to know that their leaders will have no higher priority than their safety and wellbeing.  I believe that General Casey will do just that.

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