Middle East Developments

9/05/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on New Government Accountability Office Report

September 5, 2007

"Today the Government Accountability Office submitted a report to Congress demonstrating that there has been virtually no political progress in Iraq.  Additionally, the GAO reported that overall violence in Iraq still remains extremely high, and despite the Administration’s claims to the contrary, the GAO could not determine whether sectarian violence has decreased.  This report demonstrates, unequivocally, that the Bush Administration's surge tactic has failed in its key objective, namely to provide breathing space for the Iraqi Government to begin the process of political reconciliation.  This report reinforces the conclusion that many Americans reached long ago: there is no military solution to the conflict in Iraq.  That status quo is simply unacceptable, and with this new conclusive confirmation that the surge tactic has failed—as many of us feared it would—it is time to bring our troops home."

7/18/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on the Levin-Reed Amendment

July 18, 2007

"Today, the Republicans were given yet another chance to listen to the American people's call for a change of course in Iraq.  Sadly those entreaties fell on deaf ears.  Instead, the Senate Minority has chosen to stubbornly protect the President against efforts to change a failed Iraq policy, and the result will be additional loss of life and a continuation of civil war in Iraq. And, as the latest National Intelligence Estimate clearly shows, our continued involvement in Iraq is leaving our nation vulnerable to attack while diverting resources from the fight against terror. As each passing day unfolds with more chaos in Iraq and new evidence that the Administration’s policy is threatening our national security, support for the President's course will continue its downward spiral.  I will continue to fight for a firm redeployment deadline at every opportunity, and I am confident that the day will come when this Congress will have the courage to say enough is enough."

7/17/07: Senator Dodd: Force the President to Redeploy. Rebuild our Armed Forces. End this Disastrous War

July 17, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) made remarks today on the floor of the U.S. Senate in support of the Iraq Withdrawal amendment to the Defense Authorization bill.

6/14/07: Chairman Dodd Joins Secretary Paulson in Calling on Allies to Share Burden Against Iran

June 14, 2007

Today, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs seconded the concerns expressed by Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson regarding insufficient economic pressure being exerted by U.S. allies’ on Iran.


“The Department of the Treasury is finally getting tough with Iran— both through traditional sanctions and additional targeted financial measures.  I strongly share Secretary Paulson’s concerns about our allies’ commitment to the cause.  If we are going to be effective in preventing Iran from financing terrorism and seeking to acquire nuclear weapons capability, we will need to see comparable commitments from other nations—in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.  These governments must not turn a blind eye towards Iran’s wrongful and destructive use of private sector investment to consolidate power and destabilize the region. Only robust diplomacy coupled with tough multilateral sanctions will convince Iran to come to the table to find a political solution to our current disagreements.”  

6/13/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Administration’s Iran Policy

June 13, 2007

“I am very concerned by Mr. Burns’ assertions that the Iranian government is providing weapons to the Taliban.  The administration's mishandling of Iran policy over the last four and one half years has allowed Iran to increase its regional influence and meddle in the internal affairs of its neighbors.  These recent developments demonstrate once again that the Bush administration must develop a tough and comprehensive approach toward Iran, with the centerpiece being robust diplomacy coupled with more effective implementation of economic and political sanctions that will bring Iran to the negotiating table, where issues of mutual concern can be discussed and hopefully resolved.”

6/07/07: Senator Dodd Denounces Boycott of Israeli Universities

June 7, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, recently sent a letter to Sally Hunt, the Joint General Secretary of the University and College Union (UCU), applauding her objection to the UCU’s vote to endorse a boycott of Israeli academic institutions and expressing outrage at its passage. 

5/31/07: Chairman Dodd Sends Letter to SEC: Calls for Greater Disclosure on Investments in Iran, Sudan

May 31, 2007

In keeping with his commitment to national security and economic opportunity, Senator Chris Dodd, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, today sent a letter to Christopher Cox, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), urging the SEC to fully develop its Office of Global Security Risk to protect American investors from unknowingly becoming involved with sponsors of terrorism and human rights abuses, as mandated by law three years ago.  Among Chairman Dodd’s chief concerns is that the Office of Global Security Risk have the capacity to provide the American public with reliable and readily accessible information on companies’ transactions with Iran and Sudan.   

5/24/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Passage of Iraq Supplemental Bill

May 24, 2007

“I believe that the Senate tonight made a grave mistake when it voted to give this President another blank check to pay for his failed policy in Iraq. Continuing on this course in Iraq means further damaging our national security interests and our standing in the world.  I will continue to fight for a firm deadline for the safe re-deployment of U.S. combat troops using the power of the Congressional purse to compel the President to abandon his failed policies, because that is the only way to responsibly bring this war to a conclusion.”

5/24/07: Senator Dodd Votes Against Iraq Supplemental, Rejects President's War Plan

“I wish that I could look at Iraq and say, with a clear voice and a clean conscience: ‘I share our President’s confidence.’ But the truth tells me otherwise.”

May 24, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today sent a strong message of disapproval to the President and conveyed the views of millions of Americans by speaking out against the Iraq War Supplemental legislation currently under consideration by the Senate.  In explaining his decision to vote against the bill, Senator Dodd cited the lack of strong timetables for troop withdrawal, no definitive guidance to transition U.S. forces away from combat operations, an ambiguous mission and strategy, and a lack of accountability for both the President and the Iraqi government.

5/19/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Armed Forces Day

May 19, 2007

“We pause today to thank the members of our armed forces for their invaluable service to the United States.  Our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines perform critical missions here at home and abroad.  From providing much needed support during national disasters such as Hurricane Katrina to fighting on the battlefields of Iraq, the brave men and women of our armed forces work tirelessly to protect our country.

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