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Rep. McCarthy Statement on Increasing the Minimum Wage

Today marks a great victory for American workers. In the opening days of the new session, Congress voted to increase the Federal minimum wage. This long overdue action will finally give workers a much deserved pay raise.

The current minimum wage leaves full-time workers in poverty. At $5.15 an hour, a full-time minimum wage worker brings home $10,712 a year –nearly $6,000 below the poverty level for a family of three.

Today, I voted to increase the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour over two years. This move will benefit 13 million Americans including 7.7 million women, 3.4 million parents, and 4.7 million people of color. The increase will provide an additional $4,400 a year for a family of three, equaling 15 months of groceries, or over two years of health care.

I am proud to support our workforce and will continue to do so to ensure my constituents receive an adequate living wage.