Committee on Science and Technology
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Legislative Highlights :: October 25, 2007

Water-Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act of 2007

H.R. 3957

Bill Summary and Status

Cleared the Energy and Environment Subcommitttee by voice vote on May 6, 2008.


Purpose:  To increase research, development, demonstration, education, and technology transfer activities related to water use efficiency and conservation technologies and practices at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Section 1: Short Title

This bill works to create a water-use efficiency and conservation research, development, and demonstration program within EPA’s Office of Research and Development. 

Section 2: Findings

Section 2 outlines the findings of the bill and draws the connection between what EPA is currently doing in its WaterSense program and how EPA’s scope should expand in reaction to increasing water shortages across the country.

Section 3: Research Program

Section 3 directs the Assistant Administrator to establish a research, development, and demonstration program within the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development to promote water efficiency and conservation.  The program should address water storage and distribution systems; and behavioral, social, and economic barriers to achieving greater water use efficiency.  In addition, the program should research technologies and processes that enable the collection, treatment, and reuse of rainwater and greywater.  The project areas of the program should reflect the needs identified by local and state water managers.

Section 4: Technology Transfer

Section 4 directs the Assistant Administrator to collect and disseminate information on current water-use efficient and conservation practices at the non-federal level.  This information should include incentives and impediments to development and commercialization, best practices, and anticipated increases in water use efficiency resulting from the implementation of these processes.

Section 5: Green Infrastructure Demonstration Projects

Section 5 directs the Office of Research and Development to carry out at least 4 demonstration projects for the incorporation into a building of the latest water use efficiency and conservation technologies and designs.  Of the 4 projects, at least 1 should be a residential building and 1 should be a commercial building.  The buildings will be made available to the public for tours and educational purposes, including the designs of the buildings.

Section 6: Report

Section 6 directs the Assistant Administrator to transmit reports to Congress which detail the progress being made by the Environmental Protection Agency with regard to the research projects initiated, the demonstration projects initiated, and the outreach and communication activities conducted.

Section 7: Authorization of Appropriations

Section 7 outlines a five year authorization of such sums as needed.

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