Press Release of Senator Feingold

Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold on the Nominations of James Steinberg and Jacob Lew to the Department of State

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing

Thursday, January 22, 2009

As Prepared For Delivery

“As this new administration begins to reassert our diplomatic strength and restore America’s leadership abroad, it is clear that the nominations of James Steinberg and Jacob Lew are critical to that effort.  I expect that Mr. Steinberg and Mr. Lew, if confirmed, will work together closely and with Secretary Clinton to help rebuild the State Department so it can once again assume its role as our lead agency on the international stage.  Developing smart, interagency policies while also ensuring the Department is adequately resourced is critical to our national security.  As we have seen over the last eight years, without properly resourcing the State Department, gaps emerge that lead to fragmented and often ineffective policies.

“I am pleased President Obama and Secretary Clinton have decided to fill the Deputy Secretary position mandated to focus on resources and management.  It sends a strong message about the central role of the State Department under the Obama administration.  I look forward to working closely with both of you.”