Press Release of Senator Feingold

Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold on President-elect Obama's Intelligence Appointments

Friday, January 9, 2009

“I am encouraged by President-elect Obama’s nominees to be Director of National Intelligence and Director of the CIA, and the President-elect’s recognition of the need for fresh leadership for the intelligence community.  The nominees are dedicated and experienced public servants, and I look forward to meeting with them. There are few people of whom I have a higher opinion than Mr. Panetta, and he has been a strong voice on important policy matters related to the CIA, specifically interrogation policies.  Admiral Blair also has a strong background and relevant experience.  There is much intelligence reform yet to be done and I look forward to learning how he will strengthen the intelligence community, integrate our efforts to fight al Qaeda, and defend the nation against current and future threats, while adhering to the Constitution and laws of our nation.  These appointments and others President-elect Obama has made appear to represent an essential break with the lawless practices of the Bush Administration that undermined our core constitutional principles, as well as our national security.”  

Senator Feingold is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee.