Press Release of Senator Feingold

Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold on the Reported Nomination of Leon Panetta to be the Next CIA Director

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

“I am pleased by reports of the nomination of Leon Panetta to be the next CIA Director.  These reports indicate that President-elect Obama recognizes the need for fresh leadership for the intelligence community.  Leon Panetta has a long and distinguished career in public service and there are few people of whom I have a higher opinion.  He has been a strong voice opposing the interrogation practices authorized by the Bush Administration and he is well-equipped to restore our national security, which has been undermined by the current administration’s policies.  I look forward to closely examining his record, hearing his plans for protecting our nation against al Qaeda and other threats, and learning how he will help restore the rule of law after years of lawlessness that have undermined our national security.”

Senator Feingold is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee