Elementary & Secondary School

5/18/06: Dodd Introduces Student Bill of Rights

May 18, 2006
Legislation would help close the gaps in educational opportunities for students across the nation

Washington, D.C. — Citing the critical need for every child in America to have access to educational resources, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) yesterday introduced legislation to address inadequacies and inequities in educational opportunities available to millions of students. Dodd’s legislation is a companion measure to a bill introduced by Representative Chaka Fattah (D- Pa 2nd) in the House.

5/11/06: Senator Dodd Meets with Students from Irving A. Robbins Middle School

May 11, 2006
Senator Dodd today met with students, educators and parents from the Irving A. Robbins Middle School in Farmington, Connecticut. The Senator spoke about the issues currently before Congress and about the value of public service.

5/11/06: Senator Dodd Meets with Students from Greenwich Academy

May 11, 2006
Senator Dodd today met with a group of students visiting Washington DC from Greenwich Academy. The Senator explained the historical significance of the Russel Caucus Room in which they were meeting, and answered questions from the students.

5/09/06: Senator Dodd Meets with Connecticut's Prudential Spirit of Community Awardees

May 9, 2006
The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards is the nation’s largest youth recognition program based exclusively on volunteer community service. The awards were created in 1995 in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals to honor middle and high school students at the local, state and national level for outstanding service to others.

Elizabeth America of Guilford is founder and president of a school club that raises awareness and funds to assist needy people in her community and in third-world countries. Her club has sponsored fund-raisers for poor people in Haiti, tsunami victims, a local food bank, and UNICEF.

Jack Applebaum of Greenwich is a founding member of his school’s “Building with Books” affiliate. “Building with Books” is a national organization that raises money to build schools in developing countries. During its first year, the chapter raised $4,000 to help build a school in Mali.

5/03/06: Bill Russell Visits the Senate

Senator Chuck Hagel and Senator Dodd discuss National Physical Education Day with Bill Russel.

May 3, 2006
Senator Dodd was visited today by NBA great Bill Russell, who was representing PE4LIFE, the national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting quality physical education, specifically the Carol While Physical Education Program and other obesity prevention legislation.

Senator Dodd and 11-time NBA Champion Bill Russell.

4/26/06: Senator Dodd Meets with Students from Highland Mustard Seed Charter School

April 26, 2006
Meeting with them on the steps of the Capitol, Senator Dodd joined a group of 7th and 8th grade social studies students from the Mustard Seed Charter School, one of the highest performing charter schools in Connecticut.

4/25/06: Students from New Canaan Country School Visit Senator Dodd

April 25, 2006
Senator Dodd was visited by a group of students from New Canaan Country School as part of their tour of Washington DC and the Capitol complex.

3/14/06: Senator Dodd Attends Breakfast Honoring High School Science Talent Search Winners

Kiran Pendri of South Glastonbury, Connecticut shares his project with Senator Dodd.

March 14, 2006
Senator Dodd attended a breakfast honoring the 40 finalists in the Intel Science Talent Search--the nation's top high school researchers in math, science and engineering. Two students from Connecticut were among the finalists: Kiran Pendri of South Glastonbury and Jonathan Sellon of Westport.

3/08/06: Dodd, Lieberman Congratulate Connecticut Delegates to the United States Senate Youth Program

March 8, 2006
Washington, D.C. - Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman today congratulated Chanda Choun of North Haven and Sean Link of Terryville for participating in the 44th Annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) as the Connecticut delegates this week. The USSYP, funded by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation, offers meritorious students a scholarship and a one week trip to study the federal government in Washington D.C.

3/01/06: Senator Dodd Hears Testimony on the PACE-Eduction Act

Senator Dodd listens as Joshua Tagore testifies.
March 1, 2006 Today Joshua Tagore, a student at University High School of Science and Engineering in Hartford testified before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Today’s hearing focused on the non-teacher provisions within the PACE-Education Act that support K-12 education, including: the creation of specialty math and science high schools; funding internships and summer programs for middle and high school students at national laboratories and other technology and scientific research facilities; creating a National Clearinghouse on Mathematics and Science Teaching Materials; and, funding additional Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
Senator Lamar Alexander, Joshua Tagore (a student at Hartford's University High School of Science and Engineering), Senator Chris Dodd, Lloyd Huie (Josh’s dad) and Dr. Leftoff (Vice Principal of University High School).

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