Press Release of Senator Feingold

Statement of U.S. Senator Russ Feingold on the Nomination of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to be Secretary of State

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

As Prepared For Delivery

“Thank you, Mr. Chairman – and congratulations on your new position.  I look forward to working closely with you, this Committee, and the incoming Obama administration to reverse the disastrous foreign policies of the last eight years and restore America’s leadership abroad and security at home.  I am very pleased that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has been nominated to be Secretary of State.  She is an excellent choice for our most senior diplomat, has a demonstrated record of thinking creatively about the challenges our country faces, and has already indicated a willingness to consult with Congress that is refreshing and very welcome. 

“Mr. Chairman, the negative impact of the Bush administration’s foreign policies reverberates loudly and will continue to do so long after January 20th.  One of the challenges the new administration will face is dealing with that negative impact while refocusing attention on our top national security priority – going after al Qaeda and its affiliates.  Our deficit is astronomical, anti-Americanism around the world has reached an all-time high, and we still have not developed many of the capabilities we need to gather intelligence, pursue strategic objectives and build sustainable partnerships abroad in the 21st century. 

“I am optimistic that, with President-elect Obama’s victory and the nomination of Senator Clinton, we will finally have the smart, focused foreign policies we need.  With Senator Clinton at the helm of the State Department, I expect we will see thoughtful decision-making that reflects careful consideration of diverse opinions and of the consequences of our actions.  I expect she will stand strong in the face of difficult challenges as she supports our embassies in-country and  reasserts the primacy of her agency to lead our foreign policy – whether here in Washington or in the remote desert regions of Africa.  I look forward to working with Senator Clinton and her team to ensure we properly allocate our resources and choose the appropriate tools to fight al Qaeda globally.  

“I will continue to advocate for a more comprehensive and effective approach to counterterrorism that supports efforts to strengthen the rule of law and maintain respect for human rights.  I am confident there will be many partners in this administration with whom I can work to achieve those objectives, and that together we can undo the many missteps of the current administration and set a wiser course for our foreign policy and our nation’s security.”