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United States Senator George Voinovich
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American Competitiveness

Today we are facing fierce competition from an increasingly global marketplace. We must ensure that our children and grandchildren enjoy the same quality of life that we have been blessed with by: developing the technology to become energy independent; creating and sustaining good-paying jobs in Ohio; providing access to quality, affordable health care for Americans; working to protect the environment; and enhancing math and science education.
Energy Independence: Sen. Voinovich knows that Americans are hurting from skyrocketing energy costs. That’s why the senator fought to prevent a 53-cent gas tax hike that had been included in the Lieberman-Warner climate bill. And it is why he proposed a new Manhattan Project that will put us on a path toward energy independence.
Sen. Voinovich he has called for a “Second Declaration of Independence” from foreign sources of energy. In addition to increasing our domestic energy supply by exploring the Outer Continental Shelf and ANWR – which he has been voting in favor of for more than a decade – we must use tar sands and oil shale and we must expand our refining capacity. We must invest in clean coal technologies and the safe and secure growth of nuclear power. And, we must find more and use less by focusing our efforts on conservation and the development of alternative energy sources.
Alleviating our reliance on foreign energy sources is a key to strengthening both our national and economic security. Too many of our energy resources come from politically unstable regions of the world, which often support ideologies in opposition to our own national interests. Our economic interests are then affected by this political and military unrest, causing energy costs to rise, hindering our ability to compete in the global marketplace, and bringing our national security into question.
More and Better Jobs for Americans: Sen. Voinovich believes the United States has the finest workforce in the world, and that America’s workers can and must maintain a competitive edge in the global marketplace. The key is to level the playing field. Sen. Voinovich has a long history of support for Ohio’s manufacturing industry, and he is proud that when he was governor, manufacturing jobs grew by over 500,000. When he was elected to the Senate, he brought to Washington concerns about the plight of manufacturing, particularly regarding currency manipulation, intellectual property, foreign trade and rising energy and health care costs.
Sen. Voinovich recently saw the Senate’s unanimous passage of his legislation designed to address intellectual property (IP) rights enforcement concerns and to protect American innovation and ensure future economic growth. It will provide increased resources for Department of Justice programs to combat intellectual property theft, and provide coordination and strategic planning of federal efforts against counterfeiting and piracy.
Affordable Health Care: Health care is another of our nation’s most pressing domestic challenges, affecting the bottom line for many businesses, and the pocketbooks of many Ohioans. Sen. Voinovich continues to fight for access to quality, affordable health care.
Sen. Voinovich believes that states can lead to sweeping health care reform. This is the philosophy behind the Health Partnership Act of 2006, legislation Sen. Voinovich introduced which would allow states and local government entities to “experiment” with proposals currently bottled up in Congress and reward them when they achieve reductions in their number of uninsured or lower the costs of insurance for those who already have it. The legislation recognizes that successful policy is more likely to emerge from the states than from attempts to find a one-size-fits-all solution for the entire nation stemming from Washington.
A Cleaner Environment: Harmonizing our economic, energy and environmental needs is another key to our competitiveness. Sen. Voinovich is committed to crafting environmental policies that are fiscally sound and that will bring the greatest benefit to businesses and public health. The senator has led many efforts to improve the environment, including reducing diesel emissions, achieving greater reductions in mercury emissions and restoring the Great Lakes.
Since the beginning of his public career, Sen. Voinovich has committed himself to stopping the deterioration of the Great Lakes. When he was elected to the Ohio State Legislature, he waged what he calls the “Second Battle of Lake Erie” to reclaim and restore Ohio’s Great Lake. Since then the senator has joined with federal agencies, governors, mayors, tribes and various other organizations to develop a comprehensive restoration plan for the Great Lakes which Sen. Voinovich introduced in the Senate. It has now been signed into law by the president and will keep the Great Lakes water in the Great Lakes.  
Improving Education: For future generations to enjoy the same standard of living and quality of life we do, we must have a highly educated and motivated workforce, especially in the areas of science, engineering and math. Sen. Voinovich co-sponsored the Protecting America’s Competitive Edge (PACE) Act of 2006 – legislation aimed at improving our nation’s competitiveness through advancements in and emphasis on math and science education. Sen. Voinovich has been a leader for years on bettering early childhood education and is working to bolster adult workforce education so that Ohio businesses have Ohioans they can hire to fill their skilled labor positions.

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