Hearings - Hearing
Full Committee hearing entitled, “Oversight of EPA’s Decision to Deny the California Waiver."
Thursday, January 24, 2008
10:00 AM EST
EPW Hearing Room - 406 Dirksen

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Today's video is courtesy of C-SPAN.


Majority Statements
Barbara Boxer
Frank R. Lautenberg

Minority Statements
James M. Inhofe


Opening Remarks
The Honorable Stephen L. Johnson
Environmental Protection Agency
The Honorable Martin O'Malley
Governor of Maryland
The Honorable Jim Douglas
Governor of Vermont
The Honorable Edward G. Rendell
Governor of Pennsylvania
The Honorable Mike Cox
Attorney General
State of Michigan
Doug Haaland
Director of Member Services, Assembly Republican Caucus
State of California
David D. Doniger
Policy Director, Climate Center
Natural Resources Defense Council
Jeffrey R. Holmstead
Bracewell & Giuliani


PHOTO GALLERY: 1.24.2008 "Oversight of EPA's Decision to Deny the California Waiver"
Oversight of EPA’s Decision to Deny the California Waiver: Thursday, January 24, 2008
Majority Office
410 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.Washington, DC 20510-6175
phone: 202-224-8832
Minority Office
456 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.Washington, DC 20510-6175
phone: 202-224-6176