United States Senator Tom Coburn United States Senator Tom Coburn
United States Senator Tom Coburn United States Senator Tom Coburn
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January 28, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

Nearly $100,000 in federal funding will be used to promote the Bluegrass, Blues and BBQ Scenic Byway; Podcasts and DVDs will be available along the route so travelers can learn more about the byway's significance click here to read more

National Science Foundation employees have been spending significant amounts of time looking for smut on-line at work click here to read more

Department of Justice grant program providing cooking lessons to children in Tennessee click here to read more

Department of Homeland Security grant pays for a celebration of the Chinese New Year and education about Chinese customs for Ohio students click here to read more

Ohio city officials say pools are nonessential expenses but Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations are forcing them to spend federal funds on pools over this summer click here to read more

While the proposed economic stimulus bill would provide billions of dollars for education, the state of California is sitting on $5 billion in unspent federal education money click here to read more

San Diego’s $7 million in unspent education funds includes federal grants for disadvantaged children click here to read more

January 28, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

New York Health Commissioner ordered Medicaid fraud investigator to chauffeur her to on shopping sprees at Macy’s and Saks Fifth Avenue click here to read more

Kansas hotel reopened with federal grant and tax credits will close again due to a lack of customers; Restoration cost $3 million but hotel is on sale for $1.5 million but with no current buyers click here to read more

$152,000 federal transportation grant will pay to construct pedestrian walkway from Main Street to the Piggly Wiggly shopping center in Swansboro, North Carolina click here to read more

$250,000 federal grant pays to keep Baltimore’s only operating coal-fired steam tugboat afloat click here to read more

Independent investigation finds there is no way to confirm the accuracy of the expenses incurred by Congressional offices but there are ample reasons to doubt the reliability of Congressional expenses provided to the public click here to read more

In the last two weeks of his campaign, Congressman raised more than $40,000 from employees of nine contractors that he steered $60.6 million in earmarks to click here to read more

Federal bureaucracies would be given a windfall of billions of dollars for government projects and programs in the Senate’s economic stimulus proposal click here to read more

$2 million federal grant project intended to stop illegal immigrants resulted in only three arrests click here to read more

Exec from the Bank of America, which received a $20 billion from the U.S. Treasury Department, spent $1.2 million to renovate his office a year ago, including $35,115 on commode and $1,405 for a trash can click here to read more

January 27, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

Nevada research park that received millions of federal dollars remains an empty desert; Funds were spent on high salaries and plush office furnishings click here to read more

Promising to spend more than $10 billion on earmarks a year, Congress unlikely to reduce pork spending to the levels promised by President Obama click here to read more

Despite pledge of no earmarks in $825 billion economic stimulus bill, “a shadowy lobbying effort” underway to carve out funds for pork projects click here to read more

‘Railroad to nowhere’ among Michigan stimulus proposals; $750,000 in federal funds would build an 1,100-foot rail line to an abandoned manufacturing facility click here to read more

Congressman funneled $3 million in taxpayer money to a campaign donor for custom manhole covers that may be dangerous click here to read more

Members of Congress now paid an annual salary of $174,000 click here to read more

The National Park Service spends $78,782 to construct a new skate park in Michigan click here to read more

Audit finds more bad government accounting for veterans health care click here to read more

January 23, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

Federal agencies raid Defense contractors’ businesses and homes click here to read more

Congressman John Murtha has steered millions of dollars worth of earmarks to the raided companies, including a $100 million to provide a data system for missiles that the company admitted it did not have the capability to build  click here to  read  more

Up to $1 billion in federal grants sits unspent in government coffers  click here to read more

The federal government spent $532 billion last year on contractors  click here to read  more

With students showing little interest in history, federal program pays to send teachers on junkets to historical sites, including Boston and New York  click here to read more

Financial institutions and Detroit auto makers continue to spend heavily on lobbying Congress while accepting billions of dollars in U.S. government money  click here to read  more

Federal funds pay to bring display to the 48th Annual Washington State Potato Conference  click here to read  more

$105,000 grant from the federal Substance Abuse Mental Health Administration Services will pay to set up website featuring student art, poetry, videos and blog posts and offer stress management tips  click here to read more

Federal funds must be used to provide public access for motor boating facilities  click here to read more

January 22, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

International Storytelling Center receives $52,500 in federal funds click here to read more

Kentucky airport execs spent thousands of dollars in federal funds at a Dallas strip club, on lavish junkets to Hawaii and elsewhere, and on golf lessons, expensive toys and other personal items click here to read more

$4,500 spent at a strip club and $200,000 spent on travel in just two years click here to read more

South Carolina official misspent millions of dollars in federal funds on alcohol, gambling, and strippers click here to read more

Millions of dollars in federal and state funds will create “an art-themed complex including lofts, offices, gallery and museum space, a hotel and convention center and restaurants” in Easton, Pennsylvania, but “not one city tax dollar has gone into this project to date,” according to the mayor click here  to read more

Pennsylvania county official jets off to France on junket to learn about energy conservation click here to read more

Michigan officials hoping that millions of dollars from a congressional earmark and funds from the stimulus bill in Congress will help preserve the remains of old Tiger Stadium click here to read more

January 16, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

While the rest of the nation faces layoffs, members of Congress are increasing their own staff allowances click here to read more

Congress’ $825 billion economic recovery proposal would spend more than $8.2 billion to buy new cars and renovate offices for federal bureaucrats click here to read more

Las Vegas under investigation for misuse of federal homeland security grants click here to read more

New York City rejects $2 million congressional earmark, while Congressman insists that the city accept the money click here to read more

National Science Foundation studies the impact of fish poop on the ocean click here to read more

Spending $207,000 for travel over four years, including junkets to Budapest, Vienna, Brussels, Puerto Rico and Cancun, Mississippi’s Department of Transportation leaders are among the state’s most well-traveled government officials click here to read more

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s recent warns Illinois again not to divert federal dollars to pay other bills click here to read more

January 15, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

Only 5 percent of Americans have a “great deal” of trust that the federal government will manage its finances responsibly while confidence in the federal government continues to decline, according to new poll click here to read more

U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary nominee receiving thousands of dollars a year from the federal government to not farm click here to read more

U.S. Department of Agriculture guarantees loan for millions of dollars to expand New York town’s indoor soccer facility click here to read more

$185,710 in federal grants go to the California’s lucrative wine industry click here to read more

Senate Majority Leader supports federally funded mob museum click here to read more

$50,000 federal housing grant will help pay to build an abortion clinic in Oregon click here to read more

An ornamental fence is among the road-side “enhancements” Michigan will pay for with $6.3 million federal grant click here to read more

January 14, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

West Virginia to spend federal grants to establish a “self-serve pet wash” to teach job skills click here to read more

Department of Homeland Security grant pays to launch public radio station in California town so “residents will be able to tune in any time of the day or night to receive recorded information about special events and other city happenings” click here to read more

$450,000 federal grant paying for new sidewalks in California town, but local officials wish the money could be spent elsewhere; “With the current budget crisis, it’s just hard to watch sidewalks put in across the street from other sidewalks.” click here to read more

Number of flights and airline passengers declining but Transportation Security Administration has no intention of reducing its workforce click here to read more

Congressman chosen by President-elect Barack Obama to direct billions in federal highway spending has been an “unapologetic advocate” of pork barrel spending and has used his position to steer federal funds to projects of his largest campaign contributors click here to read more

$197,000 congressional earmark pays to restore the outside of a California town’s theatre to its original design; “You'll be able to see the decorative work around the windows much better when it's done.” click here to read more

Montana governor questioning whether university officials are adequately overseeing the tens of millions of dollars that campuses garner in federal research grants; About 16.5 percent is being taken off the top of each grant to cover "indirect costs" click here to read more

Ethics issues raised about University of Montana space programs funded by Congressional earmark click here to read more

January 13, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

U.S. Marshals ethics official improperly used federal vehicles and on-duty deputies to escort him and Fox Sports announcers to World Series games click here to read more

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paid to host an erotic-writing class and a "Flirting 101" seminar, hire a porn star, and pay for a new $106 million communication and visitor center that includes a 70-foot-wide, 25-foot-high wall of plasma TVs click here to read more

Blaming federal regulations, Florida county spent $500,000 studying the widening of a road that the county says it has no intention of actually widening click here to read more

Texas school district misspent $362,000 in federal funds on staff retreats and excessive travel expenses click here to read more

Wasteful spending by Congress is “worse than ever,” according to Reader’s Digest click here to read more

Federal agencies not paying attention to researchers’ financial conflicts of interests click here to read more

January 12, 2009

the pork report -- how Washington politicians, bureaucrats, and lobbyists are spending your tax dollars

New York town squandered $2 million in federal funds intended to help low-income residents on a non-existent industrial park and a private marina near successful, trendy waterfront nightspots and restaurants click here to read more

Tennessee town spends half a million dollars in federal funds to build two parks click here to read more

Congressman says $191,593 earmark for local libraries is an example of a “good earmark” click here to read more

Despite already receiving $172,000, Minnesota town keeps applying for more federal funding to build bike trails; “If the application isn't accepted, the city and trails committee will keep submitting applications until it is.” click here to read more

Highway interchange funded with a $27 million earmark may be named after its congressional sponsor click here to read more

New York developer donated $100,000 to former President Bill Clinton’s foundation around the same time that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton helped secure millions of dollars in federal assistance for the businessman’s mall project click here to read more

Two South Carolina schools each receive a $10,000 grant to pay for a junket to a conference in Texas, where they will be recognized for achievements, participate in panel discussions and attend a luncheon click here to read more

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