January 23, 2009

Mexico City Policy Should Stand

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) today released the following statement in response to President Obama's decision to revoke the Mexico City Policy. First announced in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan, the policy ensures that U.S. foreign assistance is not provided to organizations that perform or promote abortions.

"I'm disappointed in the President's decision to reverse this policy. I believe we ought to honor life and I don't like the fact that U.S. taxpayer dollars will now go overseas to pay for abortions," said Martinez. "Internationally, this policy reversal allows U.S. tax dollars to go to organizations that have agendas directly counter to the societal and cultural values of their host nations. The result will be damaged relations with those countries and a reversal of the significant progress made in recent years in creating a culture that respects life at home and abroad."

The Mexico City Policy bans foreign assistance from being provided to non-governmental organizations (NGO) that promote or provide abortion services as a family planning option.
