
1/22/09: President Obama’s Decision to Close Guantanamo Bay and CIA Prisons

Submitted by Chris Dodd on January 22, 2009 - 7:44pm.

I wanted to share with you my floor statement on President Obama's Decision to Close Guantanamo Bay and other CIA Prisons.


Mr. President, I once again come to the floor to discuss an issue that goes directly to who we are as a country and what we stand for.


Specifically, I want to comment on the executive orders President Obama signed today to close the Guantánamo Bay detention facility within a year, close secret prisons operated by the CIA, and review the procedures for detaining and trying accused terrorists.  In so doing, he sends a long-overdue message not only to the world, but also to the American people here at home, reaffirming our values as Americans and our commitment to the rule of law.

1/22/09: Dodd Praises Obama's Executive Order to Close Guantanamo Bay

January 22, 2009

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the author of the Restoring the Constitution Act, applauded President Obama’s executive orders to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay within a year, close secret prisons and revise detention and interrogation policies.


“Today, the United States has taken a first step down the long road toward restoring our moral authority, while ensuring our security.  With President Obama’s signatures, we will be more effective in our efforts to prevent, detain, and prosecute those who would harm us.  In addition, today’s orders have reasserted our nation’s commitment and adherence to the rule of law.

1/15/09: Dodd Statement on Nomination Hearing for Susan Rice

January 15, 2009

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, submitted the following statement today for the hearing to confirm Susan Rice as the Permanent U.S. Representative to the United Nations:


“The United Nations is an imperfect institution, but it is still a remarkable one that serves vital humanitarian needs for the world’s most vulnerable and in many cases forgotten populations.  From the thousands of troops deployed on peacekeeping missions, to providing vital services to millions of refugees, from combating global disease, to feeding the world’s hungry, tens of millions of men, women and children have been given a lifeline by United Nations programs—programs which the United States must continue to support.  Dr. Rice, I look forward to working with you in advancing America’s interests at the United Nations and to reforming and strengthening that institution to better serve us all.” 

1/13/09: A Busy Day

Submitted by Chris Dodd on January 13, 2009 - 7:46pm.

This morning I gave my opening statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the nomination hearing of Secretary-Designate of State, Hillary Clinton. I have had the pleasure of working closely with her on a wide range of issues for many years, and I look forward to our continued partnership and to her leadership as Secretary of State. I have no doubt she will do a remarkable job.

1/13/09: Dodd Hears from Clinton at Foreign Relations Committee Hearing

January 13, 2009

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today made the following statement at the Foreign Relations Committee hearing to confirm Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State:

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12/01/08: Dodd Statement on Obama National Security Team

December 1, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Chairman of its subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Narcotics Affairs, today issued the following statement after President-Elect Obama announced several nominations for his national security team:


“I applaud President-Elect Obama’s nomination of an experienced national security team.  Hillary Clinton, James Jones, Robert Gates, Janet Napolitano, Eric Holder, and Susan Rice each have a proven record of pragmatic problem-solving and bipartisan cooperation on a host of complex challenges to U.S. national security. 

5/01/08: Dodd: Five Years After Mission Accomplished We Are Still Left with No Strategy for how to Move Forward in Iraq

May 1, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today made the following statement today on the fifth anniversary of President Bush’s speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln beneath the “Mission Accomplished” banner: 

“Five years after the President infamously declared ‘Mission Accomplished,’ we have still failed to accomplish our goals of securing the peace, stifling the terrorist threat, and bringing our troops home to their families.

4/23/08: Dodd Responds to Nomination of General Petraeus to be CENTCOM Commander

April 23, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) responded to the recent announcement by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates of the President's decision to nominate General Petraeus to the position of Commanding Officer, Central Command, replacing the outgoing Admiral Fallon.


"Today's nomination of General Petraeus to head Central Command demonstrates once again this administration's stubborn commitment to its failed strategies in Iraq. Even more disturbingly, I am concerned that this nomination might also signal increased saber-rattling toward Iran. That would stand in stark contrast to the more measured approach to international engagement the previous commander, Admiral Fallon, brought to the post.”

4/08/08: Dodd Questions Crocker and Petraeus at Foreign Relations Committee Hearing

Dodd: "Where will Iraq be in the next six months, or the next year, and equally important, where will the United States be?"

April 8, 2008

At today’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) questioned Ambassador Ryan Crocker and General David Petraeus about what the Administration’s strategy for Iraq will be following the troop surge that began in January 2007. 

3/19/08: Dodd Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the War in Iraq

March 19, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today released the following statement on the fifth anniversary of the War in Iraq:

“On the 5th Anniversary of the War in Iraq, all Americans, regardless of their feelings about this war, can be proud of the brave men and women who have served our country honorably, many of whom have made the ultimate sacrifice.  We owe them a tremendous debt of gratitude, and their service will never be forgotten. 

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