National Service

Long a champion of causes affecting children and families, he formed the first children’s caucus in the Senate and spent eight years fighting to enact the Family and Medical Leave Act. A strong advocate of better education for America’s children, Dodd was honored as National Head Start "Senator of the Decade" for his efforts and is a Founder and Chair of the bipartisan Senate Afterschool Caucus.


Recently, Senator Dodd joined with Senator Thad Cochran in founding the National Service Congressional Caucus in the Senate.  This bipartisan endeavor supports national service programs across the nation by raising awareness of national service and expanding service opportunities for all Americans.  Dodd, a leading champion of both the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps, is also currently working to pass Summer of Service legislation that would provide middle school students with a chance to serve in their local communities.  Senator Dodd has also championed the Encore Service Act, which would offer older Americans the chance to serve their communities and use their expertise to give back to their country, and the Semester of Service Act, which would offer young people the chance to spend a semester in service to their communities during their junior or senior year of high school. 


Following his graduation from Providence College, Dodd spent two years in the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic. He then enlisted in the Army National Guard and later served in the U.S. Army Reserves.

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