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Congresswoman McCarthy believes the environment is one of our greatest treasures and we have a responsibility to protect it for our children and future generations to come. Congresswoman McCarthy is working hard to protect our natural forests and wildlife as well as to ensure the safety of our drinking water and the cleanliness of the air we breathe.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is drafting legislation to require that the Environmental Protection Agency study the amount of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in our nation’s drinking water and examine the effects that these products have on human and wildlife health. A March 2008 Associated Press report brought to light the fact that pharmaceuticals have been found in the drinking water supply of at least 41 million Americans. In New York, health officials found heart medicine, infection fighters, estrogen, anti-convulsants, a mood stabilizer and a tranquilizer in the upstate water supply. She offered and withdrew an amendment to H.R. 2537, the Beach Protection Act of 2008, in order to raise awareness in Congress about this issue, even though that bill was not the proper venue to address drinking water safety.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy voted to override a Presidential veto on H.R. 1495, the Water Resources Development Act of 2007. The bill includes a number of flood control and environmental restoration projects, as well as reforms to the Army Corps of Engineers. Following President Bush’s veto, the House voted to override the veto, which passed 361 - 54, and following Senate action became law on November 9, 2007.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is a cosponsor of the Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act (HR 39), and strongly believes we must protect and preserve this pristine wilderness area.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is an original cosponsor of the Clean Water Authority Restoration Act (HR 2421) which restores the original of Congress regarding the scope of federal authority and protections under the Clean Water Act by substituting the term “waters of the United States” for the term “navigable waters.” This legislation is necessary to overturn a Supreme Court decision issued 2001 in Solid Waste Agency of North Cook County v. Army Corps of Engineers that denied Clean Water protections for thousands of wetlands and other isolated waters.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is an original cosponsor of the Salmon Economic Analysis and Planning Act (HR 1507), which authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to study whether the removal of the four Lower Snake River dams is a viable option for aiding in federal salmon and steelhead recovery.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is an original cosponsor of America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2007 (HR 1919), which designates specified lands in Utah as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is an original cosponsor of the National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Act (HR 2516), which identifies areas in national forests as roadless areas and directs the Secretary of Agriculture to maintain their roadless character.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is a cosponsor of the Climate Stewardship Act (HR 620), which would deal with the problem of global warming by creating a market-drive program to reduce greenhouse gases.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is a cosponsor of the Beach Protection Act (HR 2537), which would help develop and implement a beach water pollution source identification and tracking program for the coastal recreation waters. H.R. 2537 passed the House on April 16, 2008.
  • Congresswoman McCarthy is a cosponsor of two other coastal pollution bills (HR 723 and HR 2452), which would continue programs to monitor water quality along our coasts and the discharge of sewer overflow into coastal waters.