
Foxx appointed to House Rules Committee

Contact: Aaron Groen

Committee sets the legislative agenda for the House

Washington, DC—House Republican Leader John Boehner appointed Congresswoman Virginia Foxx to serve on the House Committee on Rules today.  The Rules Committee is the powerful House committee that determines what legislation comes to the House floor for a vote and under what circumstances that legislation is considered. 

“Joining the Rules Committee is a privilege and an honor and I am excited about the new opportunities this committee assignment gives me to stand up for hard-working Americans,” Foxx said. “I plan to play a productive role on the Committee that shapes the legislative agenda and debate in the House.”

In addition to controlling the legislative agenda for the House of Representatives, the Rules Committee also controls the amendment process for each bill, determining which amendments are in order for specific legislation. 

“Congresswoman Foxx’s reputation as a hard-working and committed conservative makes her a great addition to the Rules Committee,” said Republican Leader Boehner. “She has been a tireless advocate for the rights of the Republican Minority and, more importantly, the rights of every American to be represented in the ongoing debates on Capitol Hill. 

“The Democratic Majority has routinely sought to silence the voices of tens of millions of Americans represented by Republicans by changing or ignoring House rules that traditionally guarantee fair and open debate.  The Rules Committee is on the frontlines of this fight, and at no time are House Republicans and the Americans we represent counting on Rep. Foxx’s leadership more than right now.”

Rules Committee Ranking Member David Dreier also praised Foxx as an ideal choice for the Rules Committee.

“Virginia has a common sense approach to solving the problems confronting the American people, and is committed to holding the government accountable while reducing federal spending,” said Ranking Member Dreier. “She is an excellent communicator, a hard worker, and will be a tremendous asset to our Republican team on the Rules Committee."