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@bloggersblog - that was really cool. Didn't know about that extension.
Facebook folks - FUN picture of me and @tedmurphy -
@joelkelly- we only have 140. No worries.
People of EARTH: I was not kicked off Facebook for a month.
@joelkelly - depends how you choose to interpret what I mean. : ) Not the broadcast. the passion. I'm going for that passion.
@rachelreuben - Oddly, THIS is exactly how I work. With a ROAR.. strangely, it pumps me up.
@iKyleR - amazing! Best two days I've ever spent with a meeting like that. Truly.
@debworks - Oh, I know. Aesthetically, not your cup. But that crowd, Deb. Look at the passion. THAT is the power.
Look what @nextinstinct found me. : ) (youtube)
Look at the crowd at 1:20 ( THAT is my goal. THAT.
@PRsarahevans Not me. Kicked off PayPal for the day. Similar.
I heart System of a Down : (youtube)
And then Enya came on in the bookstore. What *is*it? Why is she following me around? Pandora here I come.
This is one example of how @cspenn is smarter than me:
@wamurray - oddly, they were immediately responsive, and fixed my issues. 10 minutes tops (longer than I wanted, but hey).
Human Rights day is coming:
@seanbohan - I'll take it easy when I'm dead. Right now, I've got pirate ships in the water, and I need to equip them.
@karma_musings - I've done something like that. Sadly.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams jeremiah Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest davegray Jerry Michalski DocRob Chris Sacca Naina Redhu Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Rod Begbie Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton nanek Ross Mojo Denbow Morgan First Mack D. Male om Dave McClure Brad Davis Seal Nick Douglas Ken Chris MacDonald peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Jonathan Greene E.T.Cook Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus
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