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Rep Carolyn McCarthy Calls for More DTV Funding

Rep Carolyn McCarthy Calls for More DTV Funding
WASHINGTON DC—On Thursday, January 15, 2009, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-4) sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi requesting additional funding for National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) Digital Television (DTV) Converter Box Coupon Program.
As a result of the impending national switch from analog to digital television transmissions on February 17, 2009, the NTIA has issues millions of coupons offering discounts for the purchase of the digital converter boxes necessary to continue receiving television signals without the use of cable or satellite television. The coupons offer $40 discounts for the converter boxes, which range in price from $40 to $70 and can be purchased at most electronics stores.
Due to a higher than expected demand for the converter box coupons, the NTIA has depleted the funding set aside for the DTV Converter Box Program and can no longer issue the coupons. While millions of households have already received their coupons, millions more will not have access to them under the current system. Rep. McCarthy’s letter calls for additional funds to extend the coupon program and offer more coupons to those who will need them to continue to receive a television signal. 
As a result of the bipartisan letter, which was signed on to by 42 Members of Congress, it is expected that funding for the additional coupons will be included in the upcoming Economic Stimulus Package. Thanks to the efforts of these members, draft economic stimulus legislation released by the Committee on Appropriations includes $650 million for DTV coupons.
In the letter, Rep. McCarthy wrote, “As you know, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which set into motion the final step in the phase-out of analog TV, included a 1.5 billion dollar subsidy with the intention of offering compensation to those households affected by the signal transition.  With the enactment of this legislation, we in Congress have an obligation to give all individuals affected the opportunity to alleviate some of the financial burden of the switch. It is our opinion that the Federal Government has an obligation to adhere to the original intent of the legislation, and that is why we urge you to reevaluate the DTV Converter Box Coupon Program in the coming days.”
Rep McCarthy also urged that a deadline extension be considered in order to postpone the switch from analog to digital television transmissions, giving the NTIA more time to issue additional coupons.