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@WalkingHorse my heart goes out to you.
@schwarzwald yes iPod unboxing like opening a gift. Mid 90's, I bought an app called mTropolis, & the box had a custom slot for the t-shirt
Hoping recession puts a dagger in the heart of biz models where Venn diagram of "Good For Company" and "Good For Customer" don't overlap
Draumur leaving for L.A. tonight (90 days rehab) hangin' w/the Hollywood horses. Caught myself questioning the stylishness of his blanket.
@davemc500hats I lack the talent to describe the awesomeness of that post, so I'll just say it had a pulse.
"Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent & well-informed just to be undecided about them" - L.J. Peter
PreciousParentingMoment#343: the shock/skepticism on Skyler's face when she saw the Volcom logo on my shirt. (shades of High Fidelity)
Skyler (daughter) moving to CA, but her boyfriend won't surf in cold water so looks like LA : ( As an ex-surfer, can't say I blame him.
@mrfabbri My MOST prized book is an autographed copy of Gelernter's "Machine Beauty", but I didn't know that design quote... thank-you.
"Elegance (like a slinky black dress) is the lack of something rather than the addition." --Wendy Murdoch (on simplicity in horse riding)
Things may work out naturally... huge swaths of active 'net commenters are becoming parents. As they watch their young daughter go online
@bokardo Oh god, thank-you. That's painfully funny! (warning: NSFW / language) http://fuckyoupenguin.blogs...
Funniest comment in this discussion: "I don't know...there was once a bunny on Cute Overload so adorable it bordered on nasty" (from @TRUE)
There's a mistaken belief that popularity REQUIRES nastiness. LOLCats, Cute Overload, & a user happiness blog were in Technorati Top 100.
@thesethings @burningbird agree re: expectations... a person known for "pleasant" posts might have fewer commenters on the rare snarky one
@burningbird we're not in danger of too much "fluffy good feelings" on the 'net. Top sites ensure this: digg, slashdot, Youtube comments
@knowtheory "you reap what you sow" arg implies those who cross the line act/choose targets *rationally*. These ppl use emotion, not logic
"My negative Second Life column got 42 comments. My bitchy Le Web one, 28. How inspired I was by Obama's inauguration, none." @paulcarr
Paul Carr says: w/ a system that rewards nastiness & anonymous attacks, why the surprise when ppl cross the line?
Heartwrenching, inspiring: girls at Skateistan (Afghanistan skateboarding school) You can help. (via @xenijardin)


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