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@pistachio which Darko cut do you prefer? Original or Director's Cut?
@stevegarfield if rainn says anything funny I promise to TF it to you (tweet it forward)
Gettin intaxicated on the way home. Taxi + twitter = carsick
@rseanlindsay fear that they'll talk trash about you if you turn them down?
@stevegarfield I don't envy you the task of reviewing your 8K "friends"
congrats to @reybango on the new gig! should be fun working with such a cool product! (it's Moz Ubiquity)
@bokardo InstantWatcher is a project from betahouse coworker @danchoi
RT @cyren My Mii on the Wii Fit looked too fat so I'm made myself 6'11". Much better.
RT @superamit "Photojojo just wants you to have fun" -
Here is a time machine which will transport you back to 1967 Rio, if that's where you want to go:
@seanhussey LIttleSnitch lets you grant/deny network access to apps by host/port
@kylepaice @gobigdave Macallan for me, please. Dave, to your victory!
@samhouston these days, it might make sense to get the cheapest apt you can, small as it may be
@zephoria you picked an awesome time to move to Boston...but the weather does get better!
congrats @danchoi! Netflix mashup featured today on ReadWriteWeb:
Not sure if anyone has mentioned thuis yet, but FTR it is snowing hard in Boston
On the train to @betahouse in the snow
@stompyj that's terrible, terrible news. You just turned me on to TTV last month!
So pissed I left my power adapter at betahouse. Shoulda replaced my spare when it broke last yr. Grr


Evan Williams rabble kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman Mike Champion Gary Elliott danah boyd Rod Begbie Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Matt Cutler Scott Beale Nabeel Hyatt lane becker Jake Shapiro Dan Cederholm Sooz brady forrest Jeff Clark Neil Drumm Alex Hillman l.m. orchard Doug Haslam Jim Long Amit superamit Gupta Jack Hodgson Tantek Çelik Patrick Haney Mark Bao Bre Pettis Yoz Leonard
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