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Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04) Cosponsors Bill Supporting Israel

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-04) Cosponsors Bill Supporting Israel


WASHINGON DC—On Friday, January 9, 2009, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy voted for H. Res 34, which recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, reaffirms the United States’ strong support for Israel, and supports the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The following is Rep. McCarthy’s statement on the passage of H. Res. 34:
“I am proud to have cosponsored H. Res 34 and to have stood with the majority of my colleagues in the US House of Representatives today in support of Israel and its right to defend itself against the Hamas-lead attacks that Israelis have endured for far too long. According to recent reports, more than 700,000 Israelis are within range of Hamas rockets. Israel can no longer stand by while Hamas’ acts of aggression take the lives of innocent citizens and further threaten the security and stability of the region.
“Hamas’ control of Gaza has created a deadly environment for those within Gaza’s boarders and beyond. The regime has been a primary stumbling block in efforts to forward a peace process in the region and has created a humanitarian crisis by employing terror as a tactic for controlling the Gaza residents. Hamas has continually denied Israel’s right to exist and encouraged an environment of unrest and violence. 
“The loss of life on both sides of this conflict is tragic and continues to be cause for concern for the entire global community. While we all share the goal of a cease fire, any efforts toward putting an end to the situation in Gaza must be met with an unequivocal end to violence on the part of all parties. Israel can not be expected to cease its actions while Hamas continues to engage in acts of terrorism and violence.
“Israel is one of our nation’s greatest allies and the United States remains committed to standing with Israel to ensure security for its citizens and promoting peace in the region. It is my hope that the current conflict will come to a quick and peaceful resolution. We must continue to work with Israel to develop a workable and enduring peace process.”