03:12 AM, Saturday, January 17, 2009

Track Obama's Cabinet Nominees

Barack Obama began vetting his choices for a Cabinet before he was even elected; his first announcement came just days after Nov. 4. In the past, nearly all Cabinet nominees have been confirmed, and with a Democratic Senate, it's unlikely any of his choices will be rejected. Still, nominees such as Eric H. Holder to be attorney general, or Hillary Rodham Clinton for secretary of State could face some tough questions.

Senate committees with special jurisdiction over each position hold hearings to assess the merits of each nominee before voting to confirm. If the committee approves the nomination it is sent to the full Senate for a full vote.

The Senate may choose not to confirm a nominee in a few ways. Committee members may vote against a nominee or indefinitely drag out hearings -- though rarely, a nominee may still proceed to the full Senate. The full Senate may vote against the nominee. Or, a senator or senators may filibuster to block the confirmation