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Reducing the Deficit

Senator Dorgan introduced legislation, S.554, to cut federal spending in a number of areas where there is substantial waste and abuse. The federal government should not spend money it doesn’t have on things we don’t need and then send the bill to our children and grandchildren, Senator Dorgan says.

The federal debt is now over $100 trillion. How did we get here? In 2001, the President pushed through very large tax breaks, the bulk of which went to upper income Americans. We also experienced the terrorist attacks on 9/11, a war in Afghanistan, a war in Iraq, an economic slowdown, all of which have contributed to a fiscal policy that is now seriously out of balance.

Senator Dorgan is determined to try to fix these fiscal policy problems and put our country back on the right track. His legislation, known as the Act For Our Kids, proposes ending government programs that are no longer necessary, and reducing administrative overhead expenses of federal agencies.

In drafting of this legislation, Senator Dorgan used some ideas submitted on his Web site from North Dakotans on what budget cuts they would make to trim the federal debt. If you have ideas about additional cuts that can be made, please contact Senator Dorgan.

Read Senator Dorgan’s statement on reducing the deficit.