Internal Revenue Service

Commonly Asked Questions

Can the Congressman assist me with my tax return?

No. With a signed Privacy Release form, the Congressman's staff can obtain information about the status of a return or a taxpayer's individual tax account. Although congressional staff is not trained to directly assist in the preparation of returns or claims, the IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers provide direct help solving tax problems, filing claims, making installment agreements and preparing basic individual income tax returns if your income is $35,000 or less.

Is there a local number I can call, if I don't want to go through the 800-number?

Yes. The Portland IRS office can be reached at (503) 326-2233. This line will be answered by a recorded message. You will receive a return call within two business days.

For more difficult cases, you can contact the Taxpayer Advocate Service.  This is an independent organization within the IRS whose employees assist taxpayers who are experiencing economic harm, who are seeking help in resolving tax problems that have not been resolved through normal channels, or who believe that an IRS system or procedure is not working as it should.  Their local number is 503-326-4828. 

Why do I have to pay taxes?

The 16th Amendment to the Constitution gave Congress the authority to collect taxes and Congress used the power to make laws requiring all individuals to pay taxes. Courts have historically held there are no constitutional or legal grounds for failure to file tax returns and pay taxes.

Do you have a different question or concern?

Please describe your concern or problem, and we will get back to you with information about how we may be able to help.

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