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the company (late) holiday party is always a hoot
OH: Americans are a pretty forgiving lot ... unless you lied to them.
VCs still investing heavily in ad networks stikes me as sensical as broke banks buying luxury jets.
Twitter as an outreach tools works BOTH ways. We connect w/many GREAT pet ppl & pros as they follow us @dogster & @catster so we follow them
F*ck You I'm An Anteater meme just hit escape velocity. YES! Orig: Newest:
Ruh roh! I just saw TBTF written (as in 'too big to fail'). When threats become acronyms you know we're in trouble (@asherter)
Nice =O My entry on Yahoo shuttering Pets is on Techmeme. 2 OG Yahoo'ers added more info in the entry's comments RIP
That last twt was a borked DM, so I'll clarifyI meant 'blackouts', and that I'm not feeling the adult treatment yet, just the possibility of
It's amazing to be treated like adults. I wonder if it will really happen or will 'blockouts' still occur. is being set up to transparently document stimuls spending if the Amer. Recov & Reinvest Act passes.
I FINALLY get the man-made deadline to convert to digital TV delivery...Bush era deals to open analog TV spectrums to wireless companies.
More details on Yahoo shuttering Yahoo Pets [Next thoughts: a)Are vertical roll-ups the new portal? b)Rise of the nimble]
Wondering if following 250 ppl explains my reduced time on Flickr. Used to visit 3-5x a day. Now <1. Maybe fewer contacts will change trend
@rashmi @hnshah @dalelarson YES! BIG busine$$ for APPL or start-up to be the wallet. Yet what % would PayPal or CC $1 now. Times r changing
@hnshah @andrew_chen: If a free site started charging $1 to use site for next 5 years, would people pay as they pay $1 for an iphone game?
@techcrunch you can add to deadpool. [GRIN]
Congrats to PMOG/GameLayers (@merci @jah team investors) - nominated by Acad of Interactive Arts & Sciences for best MMORPG of 2008! [Crate]
zOMFG!1! Margay tiger cats are *impossibly* cute. [pix] They are endanged. I've never seen one before.
O Hai Mr VC, Twtpets is Twitter meets Kitten War! No want? No care. It's already running =D [Cute]


Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Dan Arkind Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Eric Case veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca danah boyd Brian Walsh sean bonner derek dukes Om Malik Joshua Kinberg Narendra Julie Dave McClure Niall Kennedy David Ulevitch Paul Thrasher Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh adam rifkin tommy payne Scott Beale Erika Hall Rob Hayes Oren Michels Blake Burris Jim Young Hiten Shah Jackson West Nikolaj Nyholm Cameron Walters
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